A man of thinking

Started by thetworegs, September 01, 2012, 05:17:57 PM


A man of Thinking
Bob got in the act on this one and we had Elvis on Keys..Hope you enjoy......
Could i have been a  man of thinking (Lyrics)
Night after night i sit in the dark and i'm thinking
thinking of what i could of been if i had been a man of thinking
what could i have done with my life, what could i have done, would i have stopped the strife
what could i have been if i had been thinking

But i've been laying back smoking my reefer everyday ya ya ay
i get real high and then start to sit and think ya ya
i sit and think about what i could have done
what i could have been
could i have been someone
i sit back and i ,get to thinking
what i could of been, could i have been a man of a thinking
if i'd have been 2000 years ago,
if i'd a been Greek do you think i would know
all the psychology in this world
would i understand what i was thinking
could i have been, the man who knew
could i have been the man in the bath, that overflowed
if i'd been a man of thinking
could i have sat by the Apple tree
let the Apple fall in front of me
would i have realised it was gravity
if i'd a been a man of thinking
if i'd a been a man of thinking
could that of been me
could that of been me
as life goes on i smoke another one
i sit back in the chair and i think
i think about all those things that i could have been
if i could only think
could i have been a man of thinking
could i have been a better nman
if i'd have only thought of thinking
if i'd have only thought of thinking
i could i have been a man
i could i have been
a man of thinking
a man of thinking
a man of thinking 
A man of thinking
Music & Lyrics Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Oh yes some pyscho Reg's music for my Saturday... What could be better... If I was a man of thinking... I would get off my butt and do some shit!!! Love it!!!
Tascam DP-02


I,ve been thinking as I drink my voddy, cool reggae stuff
Boss BR-80


You never disappoint me Reggie  ;D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


I like the Dark Reggae vibe, the lyrics are spot on too.

Some of the vocal effects you are using at the moment sound great.

I dont know how you manage to come up with so much stuff, every time I log on you seem to have something new.

Boss BR-800