Help (again, sorry) - Big Problem With Corrupt Track

Started by Ferryman_1957, February 01, 2009, 11:41:04 AM


OK, so my love affair with the BR is now over >:( I'm working on a track, have recorded six guitar parts, bass and some keys. I did a couple of bounces OK, but wanted to redo one of them. Started getting Card Write Errors everytime I tried to do another bounce. I have tried everything - deleting unused tracks, optimizing the song, deleting some of the v tracks, restoring an older backed up version of the song, but every time I try to bounce four v-tracks from V8 into a stereo pair, it gives me a Card Write Error. Any ideas as to what I could try, or is this a case of the song's corrupted so I'm stuck?

The problem is I can't re-record any guitars/basses now as my hand is in plaster, so it looks like a week's worth of hard work is wasted. Have to say the BR now feels pretty flaky - the first time I've tried anything complex and it's struggling. Or am I just being paranoid?




I had this problem recently on a song I was working on. One track was throwing everything out so I xported all the tracks to my pc using the br wav converter including both drum only tracks (master just the drums).

I then mixed it using audacity and then saved as mp3.  Put this file onto br card and then import mp3 to cary on working on it.

Seemed to work well enough to finish my song


OK, thanks, good idea. I was going to try exporting to Audacity at some point in the future anyway, perhaps I need to do that now. Still, the whole point of the BR is to avoid this and have everything in one neat package. Annoyed it's forcing me to do this now.




Quote from: Ferryman_1957 on February 01, 2009, 11:41:04 AMI have tried everything - deleting unused tracks, optimizing the song, deleting some of the v tracks, restoring an older backed up version of the song, but every time I try to bounce four v-tracks from V8 into a stereo pair, it gives me a Card Write Error.

When you restored the backup, did you initialize the memory card first? If not, give that a try. Of course, initialization erases everything on the card, so make sure you have a complete backup of the entire card first. Then initialize the card (see page 115 of the Micro BR manual, 3rd edition) and restore the full backup.

Card Write errors are usually caused by memory card incompatibility. Early versions of the BR-600 and BR-900 had some problems with card compatibility. This has been greatly improved in several firmware updates. I suspect that Boss will release a firmware update for the Micro BR sooner or later to address memory card incompatibilities. In the meantime, it might be a good idea to try several brands of memory cards to see which works most reliably. They're pretty inexpensive now and it's always good to have some spares anyway.

If these suggestions don't solve the problem, you can always export your tracks to wave files as suggested. However, rather than converting your tracks to MP3, you should leave them in WAV format and import them directly into the Micro BR. MP3 data compression adversely affects the audio quality. This is an acceptable tradeoff when you email or post your song and you need to minimize the file size, but it's unnecessary when you're working with your own songs at home because file size isn't an issue. So export your tracks to wave files using the BR Wave Converter, then initialize the card and import the wave files back into a new song.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thanks vey much. I didn't do a full initialization of the card - I will try that. I discovered Wave converter by searching the site, so have all the tracks exported in wave format. So everything is backed up. I should be ok now. I'll also get another memory card (different brand) to see if that is less flaky.




Grrr. Initialized card, reloaded backed up song, tried recording another track, Card Write Error  >:( Oh well, off to try reloading the wave files. Not impressed, especially as the card is a San Disk one.




when you transfer stuff from your mbr do you use the usb connection or insert the sd card into a slot on your pc, i do this and have experienced the same problems, each time its been dust or fluff on the contacts.
only time i had a problem i couldnt resolve was i bought a card from ebay, a kingston, but it was a fake from hong kong, no lifetime guarentee with that, if you bought your card from a store take it back  they should replace it.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Thanks ORH, I always use USB cable so I should be clean. I did finally get everything back after at least six hours of faffing around (reloading the wave files and copying the drum arrangement worked). Providing nothing else goes wrong, I've now got to mix the instrumental tracks and then try some vox.

Thanks for all the help - this has been very frustrating. The card is a new San Disk, right spec, hardly been used so don't know why I started getting problems.




i would still check it for fluff never knowwhat can get into those wee nooks and crannys.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Will do. Sounds like the problem I have with my belly button.

