Started by Rata-tat-tat, August 31, 2012, 02:21:47 PM


all i know is i was a moderator in a chat room about 8 yrs ago and all the clown posse fans were all belligerant and rude, huge attitude problems and they were proud of it.


Quote from: phantasm777 on September 12, 2012, 10:29:19 PMall i know is i was a moderator in a chat room about 8 yrs ago and all the clown posse fans were all belligerant and rude, huge attitude problems and they were proud of it.

I'm sure just about any group out there has fans that are rude and belligerent... Is this any reason to label the entire fan base though (Extreme!!!). There are a few folks that I know that are in their 40's that have ICP tats... wear ICP Gear... One even has his own business with several employees... great guys...wouldn't harm a flea (And don't condone idiotic behavior)... but if they were ever stopped by a police officer and they saw the Tat... or if they were wearing a hat... they are now suspected gang members... try running from that label... It frightens me that my friends may become criminals just for being fans of a music group. It is after all...art/music...however deep/dark/ seedy or ridiculous for that matter it may be.  OK there's my 2 pennies... anyone else!!! Any Beetle Maniacs out there!!!!
Tascam DP-02