I Think i love you (Remixed)

Started by thetworegs, August 30, 2012, 12:43:36 PM


i think i love you (Remixed)
Well if it was a dream Reg would have met his wife on the Dance floor but as it was'nt he met her at the Bar ...of course.....and if Reg was a musician instead of a singer it may have been in time too......
G7 Em7  G7 Em7 C D  
I think I love you (Lyrics)
I been watching you on the dance floor
Strutting your stuff, shaking your butt and then doing plenty more
And I'm telling you baby I just can't get enough
Watching you legs strutting your funky stuff

Now baby I gotta tell you the truth
I think i love you

Watching your hair toss back forth  as you dance
Makes me feel like I should get up there on the dance floor and prance
Get up on that dance floor and strutt with you
Dance with you till this night is through

Now baby I gotta tell you the truth
I think i love you

Well,  I'm just going to dance for you baby, are you watching I'm gonna  let it loose now yeah

Now just look at you standing there shaking your thing
Your making me want to stand on a chair and sing sing sing
That's my baby over there, your my life
I don't want no trouble or strife

oh baby I gotta tell you the truth
I think i love you
Yes I believe I do

Well come a over here baby and hold my hand
And we'll dance like crazy out on the dance floor in front of the band
As the piano player hits them high notes
We'll hold each other and just kinda float

Now baby I gotta tell, i gotta tell you the truth
I think, I know i love you

Now come on baby and let's get this dam thing on
You know it's me who you been looking for the whole night long
Now come take my hand and let's get it on
You Take me home you'll find I belong

Now come baby You gotta  tell me the truth
Yeah you love me
Don't yah
I know

come on baby...Get your coat baby, we're going......Lets get of to Vegas and  get married in the morning Lets have lot of babies and get it on and live for ever, happily ever after...what do you say baby
I think i love you
Music & Lyrics Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Nice one Reggie - like the groove, takes me back (met my husband 'on the dancefloor') :)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


SUPER...My freind loved it what else can i say NEIL.!


Thanks.......... Haylie and Neil
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Obviously the David Cassidy song would be a great to cover too Reggie . . .
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Nice one Trev, well played, well recorded, and very well done to you..............Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...
