got a problem... help!

Started by Guitar-Maniac, January 30, 2009, 12:12:39 PM


so, i've deleted a song of mine from the Mbr, but i have
alrdy made it into mp3 and its on my pc, any way of getting it back
to the mbr for futher editing?

Heavy Metal all the WAY!
Oh yea... bodybuilding too :D


 :(You can import the mp3, and you can add tracks to it, but you cannot further edit the mp3.  Sux I know. 


"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton

Glenn Mitchell

Stated another way, you won't be able to get all your pre bounced pre mastered individual tracks back in order to remix what you have but you can import the mp3 into stereo on 2 tracks and then add more tracks.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


Or, as someone on another forum recently put it...

You can't un-bake a cake.

Once you've mixed multiple tracks down to a 2-track master, it's not possible to un-mix them back to the separate, multiple tracks you started with. But, of course, you can certainly import the MP3 back onto the Micro BR and work with those two tracks. So, you can add more icing to the cake but you can't un-bake it and separate the ingredients back to their pre-mixed state.

In future, backup your songs to your computer as described on pages 104 and 105 of the Micro BR Manual, 3rd edition before you delete them. Unlike an MP3, a backup can be restored to the Micro BR with all of the original tracks and settings exactly as they were when the backup was made.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig