Shabby Do (improv on See the Price)

Started by Hilary, July 19, 2012, 03:04:54 AM


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Well I'm sure there are going to be a lot of big production numbers on this one and Hook's set the bar high - but this is my Ying to go with the Yang (as a very wise man once said!).

My improv session on the internal mics with the BR - I used a couple of verses from See the Price and made the rest up - thanks ORH for the title btw, well almost. There's a few random clicks as I was going to finger pick it (but that would of taken all day! - so I strummed minus a pick)

I just can't stop myself can I - I get so easily distracted!

Shabby Do - lyrics - beautiful Songcrafters
Music and vox - me!

My inner eye needs glasses (Hook)
As my life's path is not clear (Kenny Mac)
The fog of anxiety creeps whenever you are near(Reggie)
I pause to reflect at the end of the day (Andy Casson)
To find solace as desolation passes (Mach)

Shabby Do ... I love you (inspired by ORH's drunken Shaddy Bo)

As we drift into the arena of the unwell (Burtog)
The decay of love is all I smell  (Farrell)
I see no more for my eye's now blind(Hook)
Another moment in time that's been left behind (Cuthbert)

Shabby Do etc

All thats left is a memory,
all thats left is what I used to see (Kenny Mac)
I used to see you, I used to see me
Now I know we weren't meant to be (me!)

thanks guys xx

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


I'm on my second listening and I like this!! Your voice is just GREAT!!

Btw, which preset did you use? Sometimes, when I record via internal mic on BR-80, I feel the sound of my acoustic guitar is too compressed, but this sounds very natural and dynamic... Fine job, Haylie!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Oh thanks for your lovely comments Kari - I used a COSM stereo tight EQ - but that was an accident as I thought I had it on something else! (vox and acoustic simultaneously recorded) - the balance isn't right as I had it set up for finger picking but hey ho!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Yes - I love it. Brilliant syncopated scat-tastic madness!!

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Excellent interpretation,well delivered & performed! You can't go wrong with a bit of scat! Thanks for joining in Haylie, a few more and we might get our own jukebox!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Haha - nice one Haylie.
I think I'll do a version and call it Sheddy Do!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Boss BR-1600


Quote from: bruno on July 19, 2012, 03:50:23 PMHaha - nice one Haylie.
I think I'll do a version and call it Sheddy Do!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

oh Bruno, you know I've got shed envy! - it's a wonder you didn't hold Mazz's party in yours at the weekend - I'm sure there's room for a stage. Still waiting for a roof on mine, but I'm not one to nag my beloved!  ;D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Shabby Do
I love it Haylie.

Love the energy of your performance.
No doubt strumming was the way to go.
Your playful vocals and the brightness of the guitar's tone are just brilliant.
Do you perform live? You should.
Boss BR-600


Thanks Mark and Hook (it's a pleasure to be able to participate Hook - I'm gutted I didn't get a line in the original)

Nelson, thanks for your kind words. I've sung various things over the past 3 years, 4-part harmony groups, an acoustic duo and briefly with a big band. I'm now pursuing my acoustic comedy songs - it's been a tough ole journey but I'm just getting more comfortable with the guitar - still can't play the damn thing but at least I don't feel like sticking pins in my eyes every time I pick it up now. I have a jazzy, bluesy tone to my voice which doesn't come out very often as I can't play anything jazzy, bluesy on the guitar!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Quote from: Hilary on July 19, 2012, 04:55:57 PMThanks Mark and Hook (it's a pleasure to be able to participate Hook - I'm gutted I didn't get a line in the original)

Nelson, thanks for your kind words. I've sung various things over the past 3 years, 4-part harmony groups, an acoustic duo and briefly with a big band. I'm now pursuing my acoustic comedy songs - it's been a tough ole journey but I'm just getting more comfortable with the guitar - still can't play the damn thing but at least I don't feel like sticking pins in my eyes every time I pick it up now. I have a jazzy, bluesy tone to my voice which doesn't come out very often as I can't play anything jazzy, bluesy on the guitar!

Yeah, I thought I heard something in your voice under all the playing about.
To be that loose in your performance and not sound foolish but utterly entertaining.
No doubt you have a gift.
As for your guitar playing, it sounds clean to me but I'm still sticking pins in my eyes so take that for what it's worth. :)
I've been at it for about 4 years now, 3 seriously.
Got any of your other stuff posted anywhere?
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Boss BR-600