Clouded Floyed

Started by Keywiz2112, July 01, 2012, 12:21:52 PM


Clouded Floyed
I am afraid I had the Into and ending chopped to get it down to 5mb apologies for this, that is why this piece has an abrupt ending.
I was inspired to write this piece when I heard the sad news of Rick Wrights death, I enjoyed his keyboards in Floyed especially Shine on you Crazy Diamond. So I based this atmospheric piece around the melody that Mr Wright played. The intro that I cut out and the ending is just the melody on it own, with a wonderful pad sound I discovered on Korg Triton. Hope you enjoy it.

Flash Harry

Hello Keywiz and welcome the songcrafters site. I can't listen to this at the moment. I'll have a listen later on when I'm home.

Glad to see you're joining in. Check out the really great music from the others here and have fun!

Cheers. Harry.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Really great listen keywiz , & welcome to the site

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


Nice pad sounds - very nicely put together. Great post - keep them coming!
Boss BR-1600


Thanks for the positive comments, I will be writing more. Looking forward to posting soon.  ;D


Agree with comments above : a great listen!

From time to time, I feel as you said  ghost notes of Shine on your crazy diamonds...
awesome sounds!!!

What kind of keyboards did you use to play it? How did you recorded it, and mixed it?

I have proposed an AtmosphericFest (Atmospheric festival but it not succed this time ;-) )
I think it's a marvellous example of what is an atmospheric song...

Welcome to songcrafters

Boss Micro BR

"I'm sitting on a comet / Slowing speed / I'm landing on your planet / On your land of weed" Daniel (de Sète)

Speed Demon

Very well played, Sir! A thoroughly enjoyable listen.

You don't need to chop off song parts to get a smaller size file.
You can load your track/s into an editer, such as Audacity or Audition, and reduce the kbps count of the
MP3 file, just before saving it. Max is 320 kbps. I set it at 160 kbps and reduce 5 to 6 minute songs down
to a size that uploads here. I limit file size to no more than 6 megs.

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


Welcome to the site Keywiz2112 !!

Great atmospheric piece you've made here ! 

Looking forward to hear more !
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Very kind and positive comments thanks guys.

Great tip Speed Demon I will check it out for my next post thanks.

Steelguitar - I used the Korg Triton live and the soft synth Z3ta + .Using the Triton as the MIDI keyboard controller, recording both live sound from the Korg and recording the MIDI signals at the same time, allowing me to change sounds if they did not suite the sound I was aiming for later on in the writing process. I used some sequences that the Z3ta+ has.

I recorded it using Abelton 7, then mixed it live whilst recording it all into a WAV file within Abelton.

Hope this answers your question?

I think it would be great to have an atmospheric festival. count me in  ;D


I really dig this song, reminds me of some early INTERMIX stuff. Really great. Can not wait to hear more.