Using other devices...

Started by maxemum, January 26, 2009, 03:13:22 PM

Hi everyone.

I just bought a Micro BR and have been fooling around with it a little bit. So far I've been able to make the onboard mic work and recorded a little diddly.

Anyways, on to my question. I tried running my DR-5 into the recorder to write some bass and drum lines to record over later with the guitar. I ran the 1/4 cable out from the DR-5 to the guitar 1/4 input on the BR using a standard guitar cord. Yet, when I hit playback, the track was empty.

Is there a sound reason for this? Do I have to buy a 1/4 - 3.5mm(1/8) cord and use the mic input on the BR for this to work?

Secondly, how robust is the BR? I went to pull it out of it's pouch and the thing slid right out from about two feet and hit the ground.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


I also own an old Dr.Rhythm DR5 and had no problems. For best results get a 2x 1/4" mono to mini stereo converter so you can get the proper stereo effect out of the DR5 and run it into the mic/line in of the MicroBR. On the MicroBR, press input, then you have to select the LIN instead of GTR for that. lower case means off, higher case means on. I love my DR5, had it for 15 years now and I love how you can pan and tune the drums pitch :) not to mention over that time I have programmed 100's of beats, and even complete songs. I am considering buying a newer one though as the technology today can only improve on the quality of the sound samples.

 I'm not sure what you did or did not do, but if you can hear it playing through the MicroBR then it should record to what ever track you have selected when you press record. If it dosen't then I really have no answer. try a factory reset on the MicroBR and try again.

 As for durability, I am pretty sure it's not that durable, I mean it is just a plastic housing, and I've dropped it a couple times but always on a carpeted floor. I don't imagine it could survive a drop to concrete from 5 feet without damaging it though.

Glenn Mitchell

I've dropped mine a few times. Once from a music stand to the stage floor. It has a good dint in the case. I think being solid state, it either works or it doesn't.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum

Thanks Dmann and M_Glenn_M.

I'm going to have to try that. The 2 X ΒΌ - 3.5mm cord.

M_Glenn_M, no it was about 2 ft. onto carpeting. Does yours still work after that horrendous fall?


Glenn Mitchell

Oh yeah, it still works. I'm quite impressed with the abuse it takes.
I'm terrible about taking care of things. It's fallen many times. Usually when I jump up to answer the phone and forget I'm all wrapped up with the cables and cords.
I now have a bit of Velcro to hold the cord to the desk.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum

Dmann, M_Glenn_M,


I did get the DR-5 to work without buying any special cables. I must have had the guitar-in turned off or the input signal down to zero. I turned off the effects and what a crisp clear recording! However, that's something I want to work on later.

I used one of the built in drum kits for a song I'm working on. You should have seen the smile on face when I got the rough idea down on a few of the tracks after playback. I threw a quick little phrase over it on the 4th track and stunned myself speechless! I had to stop for today as I don't want to overdo and ruin the song. It will have to be re-recorded down the road either way. This little BR is the BOMB! I can't wait until the rest of the song plays out in my head. However, I did run into one small issue. I dropped the tempo down on the song from 130 to 105 copied, then saved. But, when I went to play it back the song reverted to the 130 BPM preset and the melodies were way out of time. I tried the stop/record as printed on pg. 60, but this didn't work either. Is there a way to save the 105 BPM without having to record it somewhere else?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Glenn Mitchell

Yes that is annoying but the MBR does not save the tempo when it's turned off unless you have bounced or mastered with the tempo on.
Sometimes in the early stages I name the song with the tempo as part of the name. Keeping records of what you do is more pro however.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


Quote from: maxemum on January 28, 2009, 08:27:51 PMHowever, I did run into one small issue. I dropped the tempo down on the song from 130 to 105 copied, then saved. But, when I went to play it back the song reverted to the 130 BPM preset and the melodies were way out of time. I tried the stop/record as printed on pg. 60, but this didn't work either. Is there a way to save the 105 BPM without having to record it somewhere else?

Tempo is saved with the drum arrangements, so just create a simple arrangement and specify the tempo for each step. See pages 85 to 88 in the Micro BR manual, and this tutorial:

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

Thanks, let me give that a shot and see what happens.

Hi, I am a newbie but huge fan already of the BR!  I have looked at the link about saving tempo, but in typical fashion I am missing something simple yet vital, would someone guide me through it.  Lets say I find a drum sequence and edit it a bit with the measures and fills bit, and find a tempo that I like, so thats step one, and in my mind I then want to add a simple bass guitar to that next and save the tempo.  Would someone consider doing me a bulletted dummies list ;-))

ta Ginger