More than a number

Started by OsCKilO, June 18, 2012, 07:41:53 PM


Wonderfully airy and open. A magical interplay of sounds - love it.
Boss BR-1600


As deep as it comes, bro! I soaked it right in - Tune is now a part of me.

Quote from: oldrottenhead on June 19, 2012, 04:26:08 AMpod bound

Without doubt, to be played and played!

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Very cool Mr. T. reminds me of a song called Chapter 24 from Piper at The Gates of Dawn. A total Syd kind of trip.


Boss BR-1600


The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


Quote from: Willie Wendon on June 19, 2012, 12:31:58 PMHi Tharek, if ever I heard a forum member get stronger since I've been on this site, it's you. To me you're writing, playing and producing material that anyone should be proud of, love it................Willie

Boss BR-600


An absolute cracker, so inventive, just stunned, fantastic!!
Boss BR-80


WOW ...this is fabulous. wonderful vox. the whole nine yards.
of this song is a grand slam...great job congrats NEIL.!!


Thanks Guys!

Did a video for y'all!

Sorry I haven't been on the site much. Just about to get start back at work after everything that has happened.

Looking forward to it! ;)

Quote from: AndyR on June 19, 2012, 12:52:27 PMI don't know how you do it! :D

It's like you don't experience the boundaries that most of us do. When I sit down to create something, I do it, I don't know, "within certain parameters" that I'm happy/comfortable with. I'm happy doing it that way, I like what I come up with, it works for me. I sometimes wonder, though, what it would be like to do something different. But whenever I try, it doesn't seem work, or I can't see how to make it work in my eyes or ears... (is this making any sense?)

But you, Mr T, don't seem to have this restriction - you just seem to do what you want. It's almost like you've managed to hold on to the creative freedom and the naive confidence that most of us lost when an adult went "ooh that's a nice picture... er... what is it?" ...

... and added to that, you manage to combine it with creating pictures that none of us have to ask "er... what is it?" :D

Once more, I'm in awe...

Fabulous :)

Thanks Andy!

I think your Songs are bloody amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not really thought about where mine come from properly before.

My Music is mostly cathartic.

If there is anything that is particularly bugging me at any given moment (enough to bother me that is...meaning that it is worthy of a bit of attention anyway...) I give the matter some time in a way that I enjoy. I write a song about it.

Some problems sound like folk....
Some Rock...
Some Reggae/dub.....
Some I cant place...

Either way, it gives me time to think about important issues in my life and relieve stress at the same time.

Some I write because of silly reasons...  
Some need Videos, just to make them presentable....

In terms of parameters... I found that they change..... In music and in life.
I like making music too much to not adapt the skill when my life changes I guess...
It kinda makes it so I view music as "If you can't do it now, you might be able to later.....So I Might as well try..."

In terms of confidence, I see it as a real boundary ...

When I used to host the open mics, I would see people come in, full of confidence, using it as an enabler for them to perform. But at the same time, they seemed restricted by the concept of confidence as they were using it as a defense mechanism. I used to be that way as well...

Then I found a way through it... I would just present my songs for what they were....
I wasn't doing anything wrong by it.... Just speaking my mind, in a polite way... The politest if you think about it from some perspectives...A considered form of words, about something I found important.
So I do my best to be humble on stage (Well... With music in General...) so people won't think me a wanker preaching on about how to solve every problem under the sun. The songs are just my thoughts...

On the matter of Creative freedom, it  is the only thing we have left as a creature comfort if everything was to go wrong for us. I remember building a "garden thing" (not sure what else to call it) after my Son Ethan Passed away.

I was cleaning up the garden and came across some black bamboo that had nowhere to go in the garden. Found it in a skip and got told off by the mrs... ::)

So I thought I would turn it into something that fit. It made me feel better that day. Didn't have a clue what I was Going to make....  I just started and found the "garden thing" when I finished.  Hadn't a clue what I  was doing.

But I liked it.... So did the Mrs.. And the Saul when he blasts footballs at it... ::) all that matters really.

Thanks for the food for thought bro...  It was valued time out from my day!  ;D

Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Total flipping genius.

Highly original, highly mysterious, and totally wonderful.

So good!