Suggestions for future festivals

Started by 64Guitars, June 12, 2012, 02:38:01 PM

Jean Pierre

Dinsney festival also because i would make a cover of "the bare necessuties"  ;)
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


Quote from: T.C. Elliott on September 06, 2020, 05:49:18 PMHendrix Fest

Quote from: bruno on September 07, 2020, 06:32:37 AMor - your top 10 fest. State your top 10 songs ever, then you can cover one or more of them ....
I like this. Only I'd add that it should be the top 10 songs that you'd like to cover and you feel capable of covering. No point listing a bunch of songs that are way beyond your ability to play and/or sing. And the challenge is to cover as many of them as you can. I'm sure that Hook and a few others will have no problem doing all ten. :) But for the rest of us, if we could each post 3 or 4 of our 10 songs, that would make for a very successful festival and greatly increase the activity of the site. Could be quite exciting and interesting.

A variation of this idea would be for everyone to list 10 songs that they'd like to hear someone else cover. This way, we'd create a large pool of song titles that could be covered by anyone for the festival. However, you'd have to cover a song from someone else's list, not your own. I guess this is a bit like our SuggestFest from 2013. But the difference is that you're not suggesting a song to be covered by a particular member. Instead, we're just creating a big list of song titles which anyone can cover (except the person who suggested it).

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

Ray Brookes

Silly question I guess but I'm quite new here. How do I enter an instrumental into the appropriate festival? Do I just post the track as normal or is there a different procedure I have to take?
Ray Brookes


Quote from: Ray Brookes on September 08, 2020, 04:24:29 PMSilly question I guess but I'm quite new here. How do I enter an instrumental into the appropriate festival? Do I just post the track as normal or is there a different procedure I have to take?

Just post a song as normal, but in the message icon menu (under the title box) select 'festival submission'. That will alert admins to add the festival banner and put the song in the jukebox. I also say it's a festival submission in the title box, but I'm OCD, lol.


Quote from: Ray Brookes on September 08, 2020, 04:24:29 PMHow do I enter an instrumental into the appropriate festival? Do I just post the track as normal or is there a different procedure I have to take?

Please see the following message:

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Boss BR-864
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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

Ray Brookes

Ray Brookes


A few ideas that came to mind...

Cover festivals;
Todd Rundgren Fest - Literally 100s of songs over a 5 decade career to choose from.
Prog Fest - A tune from your favorite progressive rock band.
Songcrafters Fest - We did this a few times on another site. Do a cover of a song by another member of the site (with their permission, of course).

Originals festivals;
That's a Rap Fest - Yo, seriously. Either create your own rap song, or remake one of your existing songs as a rap tune.
Speaking in Tongues Fest - Created a song in another language... but not a real language. Invent your own language, and make it sincere and believable, even if it doesn't actually mean anything.
Science! - Songs with a scientific theme. Think 'Big Bang Theory' by Barenaked Ladies, or 'She Blinded Me With Science' by Thomas Dolby.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.


Thanks for the great suggestions, Frank. We'll try to make some of them available as choices for the Nov/Dec polls.

I'm a big fan of progressive rock and would love to see a ProgFest. However, it has been in the poll choices 12 times so far (mainly in 2010-2011) and hasn't even come close to winning except in May/June 2014 when it came 2nd. I'm not sure if that's because there aren't many prog fans here or if it was just bad timing (other choices were more appealing). Or maybe it's because prog music is difficult to learn and play, so most people shy away from trying to cover a prog song even though they might love listening to prog music.
In the Nov/Dec 2012 poll, we offered the choice of Prog Snippets which would be a sort of radio-friendly edit of a prog song. For example, Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" was a prog epic that was over 49 minutes long. But there was also a single for radio play that was just over 4½ minutes long. Similarly, "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly was over 17 minutes long, but there was an edited version for radio that was under 3 minutes. I think prog snippets would be much easier to manage since you could skip all the complicated parts that would be too hard to learn and play, and just concentrate on the main theme of the song. I hoped this would make it a more attractive option in the poll. Unfortunately, it only got one vote. :(  Maybe we should give Prog Snippets another try in the next poll.

And in July/August 2014, we offered the choice of "original prog epics no longer than 3 minutes long". It got 2 votes.

Your suggestion of a Songcrafters Fest is one that we've done 4 times already. We call it "TributeFest" because we're paying tribute to another member of Songcrafters. We could definitely have a TrubuteFest 5. Although, our last TributeFest was in March/April of this year, so maybe we should leave TributeFest 5 till next year.
Todd Rundgren has been offered as a poll choice twice. But we could definitely have a Todd Rundgren Fest if enough people vote for it.
Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

kenny mac


That's what I get for being away from the site for so long, 64. I don't realize all the festivals I missed.   :D

One more cover fest came to mind (if it hasn't been done before);
Canada Fest, eh? - So many great artists to choose from; Sarah McLaughlin, Bryan Adams, The Guess who, Gordon Lightfoot, Barenaked Ladies, etc.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.