ROUNDABOUT - piano composition done on Sibelius

Started by jackofall, June 09, 2012, 01:21:50 PM


piano toon
I've been having a couple of lessons on the Sibelius system. I love it! I took all day to do this tune and I can't play the piano to save my life. Sibelius is just wonderful. I've learned more music theory in one day than in a few years with a pen and manuscript paper.

If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand, we'd be so simple, we couldn't...


Delightful - I want to decontruct the piece now to find out what the theory was you learnt!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Boss BR-1600


Beautiful piece!

If I can make a suggestion - since Sibelius comes with photoscore lite you can look up some famous music here for free as PDFs  and suck them into Sibelius and get Sibelius to make an editable score and play it for you - its a great way to learn.

The only caveat is that you need a fairly clean scan that is not overly complex or photoscore will get confused.
Nonetheless you can get the jest of music you can't find recorded anywhere. Most of the music in the world is still on paper and not recorded because everyone wants to make money so they re-record Beethoven and Mozart and the less-known composers are not performed or recorded and as a result stay less-known or even practically unknown. Children's collections are especially good - even many famous composers (Debussy, Bartok, Stravinsky) wrote exercises but the music, though simpler, is still artistic but is easier to understand from a theory point of view. Microkosmos by Bella Bartok is a very famous example of that.



A great idea! Thank you. I'll have a go at that.
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand, we'd be so simple, we couldn't...