Ode To Chav - including Mrs B Poetry

Started by bruno, June 07, 2012, 02:39:22 PM


Track 107 - Ode to Chav
Okay - a little ditty. Talked Mrs B on reading one of her poems on top of the track ;D

Hope you like.

Dunno if the under 2 minutes fest is still open!


Boy racers in their searing hot hatchbacks
Rev to the red line at the red light
They eyeball the hard faced bus stop bitch
With her rolled up fag and her Primani bag

She pretends not to look
But they hand-jive behind the windscreen shield
Watch me bitch, I'm gonna be first, be first, be first

Red to green, foot to floor, scream, jostle
as two lanes become one
alpha male now beta, beaten, tail lights bleed
the wounded second best.

Poem by Mrs B.

Boss BR-1600

kenny mac

I realy love this tune ,you could add a hundred lyrics to it,and very nice poetry.
I thinks this song would really work well extended with full lyrics and singing and then the poetry added in the middle or the end.
Its a really catchy tune.well done


That's a killer track Mr B and a lovely addition from Mrs B :)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Off the hook cool!! You guy's are so onto something here, I love Mrs. B's poem and her phrasing is stellar. Great track to, totally love it!!
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Bruno you sure have a cool style. Power-synth! Mrs. B poem is great and she has quite the listenable voice.

Sounds like she should be in song, radio, commercials...Great job!!
Boss BR-80


Bruno... And Mrs B.... WOW... This is a very exciting track. Guitar sound is spot on Crunchy but some huge depth... A great track by itself...but I think some Vox would send it too the moon... Maybe some heavy rockin male vox in the background to compliment Mrs B's killer vox. Not tryin to call you out Andy, but I think Mr. Casson would blend very jnicely with the missus.... Just a thought.
Tascam DP-02


Really enjoyed this Mr.& Mrs. B !!

Great voice on that very fine music. Would like more of this !!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Thanks for all the kind comments. First time for Mrs B in front of a mike  ;D ;D ;D

Also what is quite interesting, there are two drum tracks on this, a drum machine (for punch) and a drum loop (for the human feel).

I thought I'd better explain some of the terms for our American brothers - as they may not be familiar

chav - The term indicates a derogatory stereotype created in the British mass media to refer to working class youth subculture in England. The fashion is derived from American Hip hop. Those so termed tend to have a dislike of Goths and Emos as well as other 'alternative' subcultures.

fag - UK slang for a cigarette

Primani - a combination of Primark (A really cheap UK cloths and accessories shop) - and Armani

The poem is about a junction near where Mrs B works - two lanes off a roundabout merge into one, with lights. Its always a race track, particularly with hot-hatch backs driven by 'chavs'.

It was an experiment - interesting really hard to mix - spoken work is really difficult to cut through fat synths - I really backed off the music and pushed the vocals, and even then the vocals are easily lost in the mixed. Even had to EQ the vox to help them cut through, the high levels caused a little bit of distortion on the vox. I learned something new though!

Boss BR-1600


I thought the vocals could be up in the mix a bit more Bruno - also might help if you posted the words with the track. Looking forward to some more. Mrs F.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Hiya Mrs F  ;D -
It really was difficult - the music was mixed real low - and the vocals were peaking as it was. We played with different EQ's but it was really troublesome - probably requires some of the instruments to be mixed out during the vocals. If I did this one again, I'd record it differently, but hey-ho you live and learn :)
Mr B (actually I get called Mr B by Mrs B - sometimes when I'm in trouble  :-\ )
Boss BR-1600