How it all started - the Borzoni Brothers collaboration

Started by bruno, May 27, 2012, 01:40:40 PM


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So this this how I got into recording. My bro Bobby is the musical one in our family. He wanted me to play some guitar on a track for game music - never went anywhere, but total loved the process. Started to spend on guitars and recording equipment after this a few years back!. Bob's song, production et al - I played guitar - its a shame to leave this track gather dust on the shelf!
Hope you enjoy.
Boss BR-1600


That's some killer riffage goin on here Bruno... thanks for sharing... I give this a Henny....ACE!!!
Tascam DP-02

Wow, what a production. As you so rightly say, it would have been criminal to have left this one unheard...........Willie
Boss BR-800


Thanks for the comments Tod and Willie - glad you enjoyed. Bobby certainly knows his way around recording. I simply tinker at it, but it makes me happy!
NB the strings on this are real, Bobby partner is a cello player, and my brother is a wicked violinist and pianist!
Boss BR-1600


Nothing's wasted Bruno - it's led you on the path to where you are now! You must be very proud of Bobby and I'm sure he's real proud of you too. A first class production.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Thanks Haylie - yeah I proud of my brother and what he's achieved. I love playing music, its very much in my blood, and the more I do it, the more I want to play - that's why I freak out when the inspiration runs dry :-) But hey, enjoy it why you can, you never know what is around the corner!
Boss BR-1600


Aunty Haylie's advice would be to completely abstain for a month - by the time to get back to writing you will be so desperate, it'll be pouring out of you. You can always play covers in the meantime, there's plenty here to collaborate with.

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça