Leave It All Behind

Started by Nelson, May 26, 2012, 10:23:29 PM


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Hey folks
Hope everyone's having a great weekend.   8)

Still trying to get a grasp of that damn piano.    >:(
This is my first complete pie anna composition.    :) flaws and all


Want to hear something funny.
This is the 3rd change of the album cover art, the 3rd album name change and the 3rd year working on the album.
Leave It All Behind

Verse 1
Somewhere in the heartland, a family takes him in.
Just a hand in the field but soon he's just like kin.
One night over dinner, the wife says holding back tears.
Since we lost our son, in Iraq 1, it's been so cold in here.
We where wondering, if you'd like to stay, until  the planting season starts.
because having you here;  has warmed our broken hearts... he said.

I don't know where I belong. I live my life, as a rolling stone.
So please forgive me, if I don't stay for long. You've been so kind. Bless your souls.

But there's a feeling that comes over me, when I see a train roll by.
Or hear an engine start or a plane cross the sky.
The open road, it owns my soul, when she makes up her mind.
She sings to me, her sweet melody and I... Leave it all behind.

Time and time... again I know not... what I expect to find.
For, I'm blind, to the signs... Perpetual loneliness will always be mine.

Verse 2
Lazy... Hazy... Summer day.
Iced tea and old oak trees cooling in the shade.
With his angel, heaven sent. He's happy and content.
And she thanks her lucky stars for him.

Times goes by and the night's just right. They finish the meal, he dims the lights.
Gets down on his knee, ask for her hand. With tears in her eyes she smiles and says...

I don't know where I belong. I live my life, as a rolling stone.
So please forgive me, if I don't stay for long. You've been so kind. Bless your soul.
But there's a feeling that comes over me, when I see a train roll by.
Or hear an engine start or a plane cross the sky.
The open road owns my soul, when she makes up her mind.
She sings to me, her sweet melody and I... Leave it all behind

Time and time... again I know not... what I expect to find.
For, I'm blind, to the signs... Perpetual loneliness will always be mine.

Boss BR-600

andy casson

Blimey, this is bordering on brilliance IMHO, what a superb song, and I love the rawness of the recording/arrangement! And boy what a voice you have, that's a superb vocal

loved it


Nice Pie anna playing, your very good, as always the vox are excellent sad tune but a great listen, only slight thing I would change is the electric guitar, maybe change for an acoustic, thanks for the great listen.

Boss BR-80


I liked the electric guitar solo, it seemed like it was crying from your soul. You are seriously talented Mister Nelson, you write from the heart and sing with sincerity. I hope more people get to hear you.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Nice One Nelson, I heard this on the other side but thought I would have another listen, well done Pal....Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



I know where you are coming from with the piano , im learning as well , steep learning curve , but this is a very nice composition youv'e  done here , the vocals are fab as are the lyrics , but i must agree with SE , i think an acoustic would suit the song better , but then i dont dislike the electic , just a matter of individual choice , i think you are close to acheiving that great song you are looking for

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


Great songwriting and performing, Nelson! I like your voice; it sounds fine either on guitar and piano! Nice guitar additions, too!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

Hi Nelson loving this in fact I really wish I'd written it. I think this is a great song done really well............Willie
Boss BR-800


I'm echoing the brilliant catagory.... This is freakin great Mister Nelson... I've come to expect nothing less from you. You're an awesome musician my friend. Well done!!!
Tascam DP-02


HI Nelson  first of all. sir, give me ashout if u need help with the keys
i would b happy to collaborate. wtih you. if u have chords or guitar tabs.
however u did quite well . but can b frustrating when learning. ive had
over 25 yrs exp.. now. so i encourage u to keep playing and trying.
but door isopen. great job on this song 2 thumbs up enjoyed cheers NEIL.!