Sneaky Out (in disgrace) jazz-ish

Started by Nelson, May 08, 2012, 07:05:58 PM


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Hey Guys
Another one to run by you.
I'm toying with the idea of having female singers do the chorus. Sort of like Ray Charles use to do.

Simple story. Boy meets girl. Girl moves in with boy. Girl dumps boy... then wouldn't you know it...  She finds that the grass isn't always greener.  :)

Sneaking Out (In Disgrace)
by MisterNelson                         
Verse 1
Though the sun is shining bright, it don't seem like, it's going to be my day.
The good times are rolling in but not necessarily my way.
Now her friend stop by, said she wants to try, being alone.
Well the truth is, this ain't the life that she wants.
(Because) I'm working all the time, trying to provide, a happy home.
Saving every dime, working my, fingers to the bone.
It's hard to believe, she's leaving me, alone in my tears.
And in ruby red lip stick, she left this message on the mirror.

Darling Please forgive me and believe when I say.
It doesn't make it any easier, leaving you this way.
I simply lack the strength it takes, to do it face to face.
So I'm running about, I'm sneaking out in disgrace.

Verse 2
Well some time has gone by; and now my, baby wants to come home.
Missing me desperately and says she hates being alone.
Remarkably, she's telling me, through a river of tears.
She's willing to do what it takes, to ease my fears.
It seems my prayers have all been answered; the life she wants is still with me.
But I'm feeling neither blessed nor happy as I thought I'd be.
All that's running through my mind is the pain and tears
From the message she left, in Ruby Red lip stick, on the mirror.

(Remember baby it said ah) Darling Please forgive me and believe when I say.
It doesn't make it any easier, leaving you this way.
I simply lack the strength it takes, to do it face to face.
So I'm running about, I'm sneaking out in disgrace.

Boss BR-600


Cool tune, really like your voice on this one, you deliver it well!
Jazz on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Nice one, great lyrics and delivery. Like the jazzy feel and I can just hear the girly chorus "shooby doing" along to this  ;D ..................Willie
Boss BR-800


This one is a winner! Another quality tune from you Mr. N. That is one sweet groove...bitter sweet song man. Dig it big time.


Soulful, diggable tune my friend! I too agree that a female backing trio would add to this immensely.

Love the flute and sax too - Gotta have that!!

Very cool - You're landing a good one!

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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You jazzy devil Nelson.. this is so kewl... Needs to be played in every piano bar in Vegas... Just my thoughts... Great one buddy!!!
Tascam DP-02


Nelson your vox are just the the stand out here, your idea of some female backing vox is a good one, it would finish this off in grand style, but even so this is such a cool tune well played.
Boss BR-80


Nice jazzy feel, Mr Nelson! Great songwriting and performing as always!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Excellent track Nelson - I really enjoyed this one. Great vox.
Boss BR-1600