Would you let someone else play your guitars?

Started by Greeny, January 23, 2009, 06:44:38 AM


Quote from: marcus_gloom on February 03, 2009, 07:38:00 AMSo, i learned a few lessons:

1) Buy and install strap locks ASAP 
2) Easy in the drinks and "horsing around" when playing guitar 

How bout this one , 12 strings are a bitch to tune around 3:00 am in the dark and drunk.
cant wait for Spring

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Well its rarely a problem for me letting anyone play my guitars.
However.. There is exceptions!
Have a friend of mine who comes over to my place and plays my guitars sometimes, now i as i said earlier i wouldn't mind if it wasn't for him being evil against it!
I've been explained it to him since day one of playing guitar, but he never seems to understand... Besides that i'm not that sensitive when it comes to my guitars, all though my arch enemies are belts and buttons on shits and so on. But for me its most about the way people play it..
If you loose track over a chord progression, play as fast as you possibly can. Nobody will know. Thats how they invented bebop.


The only thing life has taught to me : never store your guitar under the dart board. One hole is enough.

I think you all forgot to confess that the first thing you want to do when you see someone else's guitar, is grab it for a wee try  ;D
hou hou ha ha


Play them while I'm around...yes. Loan them out and take them out of my sight...humm...no!.

OK so I'm a hypocrite. Both of my kids played in HS marching band but that was ten years ago. Just recently they both decided they wanted to learn guitar. I gave my Epiphone Dot Studio to my daughter as a birthday present. I loaned my Epiphone Sheraton II to my son. If either of them so much as look twice at my Ibanez semis I'll blindfold them...no not really.

In the hands of an experienced player I know that will respect them it's OK.


Quote from: danieldesete on January 09, 2010, 02:48:32 PMI think you all forgot to confess that the first thing you want to do when you see someone else's guitar, is grab it for a wee try  ;D
Too true.

I will let people play my guitars but only in my presence.  Would never loan my 12 string to anyone.  Would only loan my Tele to the guy who sold it to me ... or maybe Clapton.
Fender 50s Reissue Tele (Mex) - blonde
Takamine EF-389 12 String Accoustic/Electric
Peavey Bandit 75; VOX AC30
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Tony W

I absolutely will not let a drunk touch any guitar of mine. As many have said, only seasoned musicians.

If I see a pick stuck between the strings, that person no longer gets to touch

Adjust my straps.... nope

pick it up by the head... nope

immediately go for the tuners... nope

dirty fingernails.... nope

dirty fingers.... nope

a disheveled appearance.... nope

Cigarette in mouth.... F*ck no

Drink in hand.... yeah right

Lustful look in the eye.... noooooo

intellectually challenged.... nope

reaching without asking.... might end up getting an arm ripped off and beaten with it

I stand over anyone who has my guitar like a spotter for a weight lifter. my hands out ready to save my baby's life.

I get as nervous as if a circle of people playing "hot potato" with a loaded and cocked revolver.

Boss BR-800

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Boss Micro BR


Mine are lefties so it's never come up...it's a great guitar defence mechanism, being left handed!


Quote from: Gritter on January 19, 2010, 11:22:03 AMMine of lefties so it's never come up...it's a great gutar defence mechanism being left handed!

Ha - Strategic Guitar Defense Instrument (S.G.D.I.) Or something like that.  :-\
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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Quote from: Gritter on January 19, 2010, 11:22:03 AMMine are lefties so it's never come up...it's a great guitar defence mechanism, being left handed!
I'm ambidextrous, what's your address?

Boss BR-800

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Boss Micro BR


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
we're a selfish bunch really  ;D ;D ;D ;D
now you  know when you go into a music shop the goodies are always out of reach you have to ask and the guy looks at you -as much as to say-cant you tell by the logo its a good guitar -and then makes abig deal out of looking for a lead -- ;D ;D
can I try your guitar ????? wha' ok sit down there and dont bang the strings--

gritter wrote;
QuoteMine are lefties so it's never come up...it's a great guitar defence mechanism, being left handed!
it can happen a couple of years ago at a wedding a guy and girl were up singing and the guy turns to me and asks if he can use my guitar >>> I smiled and said sorry im a leftie ... so am I sez he --well with a heavy heart I went down to the bar -
but came back with a bigger smile on my face -my guitar and amp sounded great  ;D ;D
unless it was him ??? ???
 :) :) :)
did you ever notice tho' if someone takes up your guitar -the first thing they do is give the E &G

peg a bit of a turn
Boss BR-800
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