multiple vocals over instrumental (rap song) and best condenser mic?

Started by cedekaina, January 23, 2009, 02:53:16 AM


Hi everyone. Heres what i want to make sure before i purchease.

1.I want to have a beat in the background (instrumental) and record a verse and go over it with the second voice and be able to transport all the vocals to my pc as separated files for further edit.

2. I have found some condenser plug in powered mics on the web , whitch one would be the best for me since i want this toy mostly for recording studio like vocals.

 sony, audiotechnika pro 24 or sound pro sp-spsm d4?

my house is too crowded , im thinking about getting the br, nice mic and record my lirycs in my car away from the city:D

what do you think? should i throw few more bucks and get something else?


The BR is all you need. And the in-built mic will do everything you need it to. With this little box of tricks you can master finished mp3's or export separate tracks to your pc for external mixing. And you can overdub / layer as many vocals as you like. Go buy one. What are you waiting for?!!!!


Listen to him because he is right.  I had a day off work and sat down with guitar, bass, Casio keyboard and my MBR.  All I did was fool around and record things.  I ran out of ideas long before the MBR did.  This is a terrific little box and the best part is that I took it to the pub in the afternoon and played with levels and panning over a pint.  As my 10 year says, 'This is living, Daddio'.  Get an MBR and live it up.


Now I feel bad and sound have responded more seriously.  All the above applies but you could think about a BR600 too.  It fits in a briefcase and you might be able to use the percussion pads.  But get one of them.


i though about the 600 it looks good too but micro is so little, hmm i still have some more questions before the final decision

 can i save my project before rendering  if so is there an option that i can zip the project and open it on my pc .do i have to convert each track to mp3/wav before transfering and put my project together on my pc manualy ?


i just started reading br manual maybe ill find something there


greene u said that with teh built in mike ill do just fine, so u ment that i can make a stereo from mono on the device by bouncin?


When you bounce, the MBR takes the four playback tracks and brings them down to a stereo track.  That leaves you two more tracks to have fun with.

Have a look at 64Guitars' page that gives a great run down on bouncing.