More Meetings Anyone - Atom Brain

Started by bruno, March 22, 2012, 05:01:50 PM


More Meetings Anyone?
This is a few years old - wouldn't normally post, but some discussions around k-oscillators. This was a KO inspired song. A collab with mate in the village, Paul - who provided the words, vox and noises. We were mucking around with the KO, and got this kind of drone, which was cut and paste many times - I used the Ibanez for its real heavy tone, and went crazy with a freeware moog for a kinda solo :-)

Not sure that we ever decided on a name for this one - it it was good fun to do! Mucho use of cut and paste - even on the guitar!

*** Update - talked to Paul - and this one was called Atom Brain!

I think it has two drum beats - a straight drum loop, and KO drums as well, just for laughs!

NB Mrs B suggested the heart beat in the middle in the solo, a truely collaborated affair :-)

Boss BR-1600

Tony H

Absolutely cool crazy song. I loved it. I reminds me of Devo back in th 80's. Way to go and way cool!

Boss BR-800


Crazy cool bruno, I really love how you seem completely open to anything!
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Bruno... Wow that is definitely an ear catcher. Has so many brilliant layers. I concur on the fun part. Let the creative juices flow. Great track.
Tascam DP-02


Great fun yes!
Definately agree on the Devo bit...

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!

Farrell Jackson

Quote from: Tony H on March 22, 2012, 08:30:36 PMAbsolutely cool crazy song. I loved it. I reminds me of Devo back in th 80's. Way to go and way cool!

I agree with Tony H Whipped It Good. A Cool listen!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

Tony H

Man. I had to listen to it again. Real #$%^ cool!

Note how it changes keys and how well it works!

Boss BR-800


Hiya all - thanks for the comments. I'm trying to get Paul to sign up :)

What is interesting is that Paul and myself share virtually no musical heritage, we grew up listening and being influenced by completely different (polar opposites) music. Conversations such as "Do you know this song" .... "nope" ..... "how can you not know that?" .... "err.. do you know this one .... etc" ;D. This difference in styles tends to generate something a little different and hopefully interesting. Vive la difference.

Oh - I should add - all the editing of the 'loops' was done using cut and paste on the BR1600 on the standard audio tracks - really easy and quick to do, one track at a time (I think the loops a 2 bars long). If you listen right to the end (03:01) - you can hear the guitar part being looped  ;) The KO was simply running at the same BPM as the BR (manual set, no midi possible), and the guitar playing was done against the drum track, so you can cut and paste from bar to bar - but this process is really, really simple. No computers involved (bar the software mini moog - but that was played with a sequencer running, dialled in time and played in real time - running audio into the BR). Paul added his parts on his 16 track, I think we swapped parts via CD - something like that!!

I don't see this as in any way cheating - just different. More creation of building blocks that then can be pieced together in a creative way!

Boss BR-1600

Tony H

It's not cheating at all. It's being darn creative and producing something cool. ;D I did't understand all you were talking about, but whatever it was, it produced a piece to be proud of.

Boss BR-800


Yeah this good nuts. I love that driving guitar rhythm Bruno. The noise additions are perfect
and add a cool vibe to the song and it doesnt sound busy at all. This is rocking!!
Boss BR-80