musicians ripped off

Started by phantasm777, March 05, 2012, 09:46:11 AM


this is from lester chambers, of the chambers bros. we see how all the record companies are trying to get laws passed so no one can download nor share any music. most say cause of the copyrights but also so that the musicians get thier cut. yeah right, it's more like so the record co.'s get thier cut. they steal your ownership and collect most of the money themselves. there should be a law against this. there is no reason musicians shouldn't retain thier ownership and get a fair cut of the money through the rest of thier lives. talk about modern robber barons.

Speed Demon

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


I was outraged to find out that you need a permit for an open mike in the UK, in a friggin pub! And they wonder why live music is dying, whilst everybody sits on their fat arses watching total crap interspersed with sh*tty ads on tv all night. If I hear the 'go compare' ad one more time (our US cousins haven't had the delight of this as yet) .... I will, I swear. Grrr. Rant over.
Boss BR-1600

Speed Demon

Commence Tirade

If copyright laws apply to music, as to anything else, all that would be needed is to change something and the law will consider your work as different from the original. So maybe we ad lib the lyrics of the tune, and rearrange the chord structure a bit. Still recognizable but no longer a carbon copy.

Sounds like the good folks in the music industry in Great Britain are full of themselves.

Want to get the music industry's undivided attention? Everyone stop buying commercial music.
I haven't bought a music CD in many years. I refuse to pay for one good tune and several more that are
junk filler. I don't go to movie theaters for the same reason. $5.00 for a box of semi-stale popcorn.
Hoorah! I can't wait for that!

And the wonderful soft drinks. Read the label. Artificial color, artificial flavor. Natural taste.
This meal brought to you by Dow Chemical Corporation. The makers of napalm.

Not that bad here in Amerika. Yet. Who knows what will be crapping on our doorstep tomorrow.

End Tirade

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


QuoteI was outraged to find out that you need a permit for an open mike in the UK, in a friggin pub!
in scotland that's been the case for years, all pubs must have an entertainment licence if they want to have music in their premises be it live or recorded, even my local hairdresser has to pay to the performing rights society for having the radio or cd on. just to clarify not the performer but the venue or business.

i'd be surprised if the same doesn't apply in the us. but i don't know.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Speed Demon

ORH, there are probably similar laws in the US but I cannot recall ever seeing them enforced.
More like local ordinances. Requiring the clubs to get a permit for live entertainment is just another way to
slide in a hidden tax. Clubs are already paying through the nose for their liquor license, and several other
permits as well.

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


the payment goes to the prs it is not a local or national tax. my local garage has the prs on the phone demanding he gets a licence, cos he has a radio in his office. the money is supposed to go to the writers and performers but i do wonder how much of that they actually receive.

i remember reading that U2 had a big upset with the PRS cos they had to pay to perform their own songs, but they never seemed to get that money back despite the songs they performed being written and performed by them.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Music is as old as the hills - a permit wasn't required even just 30 years ago - I remember people getting slightly drunk and sat around a piano - or even a cappella - just singing for the joy of it. A usual, someone always want's a cut of the pie - and they end up sucking the life out of it. However humans always adapt, and find a way - this site is a perfect example. The music and film industries have become very sterile, because everything is perceived as 'safe' - but instead of new ideas, and new trends - we have rehashed and soulless drivel. All the latest films are remakes of old ones, same with music - heard it all before. I don't buy very much music these days, not because I don't want to, but because I can find anything I really like. That's the music industry legacy. That said - the technology used for home recordings was the high end capability of only a few years ago. The future of creativity is the internet, for music, film (look at Vimeo), and fiction publishing. The music industry is dying - the money is in concerts and touring, the supermarkets have destroyed records shops of old, and book shops - and destroyed the market in the process. This is a brave new world, and we all have the technology at our fingertips to self publish!
Boss BR-1600


you need to look harder for new music  bruno last year was a vintage year for new music and this year looks like its gonna be too, here are some of our members faves from last year tons of great stuff

same goes for movies

we need to talk about kevin
tinker tailor soldier spy
to name two and don't buy the popcorn go to asda or tesco and get yer sweeties and stuff there first and sneak it in to the cinema. save yersel a fortune.  
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann