got a question about 'bouce'

Started by Guitar-Maniac, January 20, 2009, 06:43:34 AM


Quote from: Guitar-Maniac on January 20, 2009, 12:07:09 PMgot a problem again, when i bouce, the quality of the sound seems to diminish.

another question,

so, i've recorded 4 tracks and bounce them to 12v2, now both tr3 and tr4 are free to record, the problem is, where do i bounce these tracks to?

They may not sound the same until after they have been properly mixed and mastered.

Regarding your question, you can bounce the tracks to any open virtual tracks.  You used 1v1, 2v1, 3v1,4v1 for your original tracks (I'm assuming).  You bounced these tracks to 12v2.  When you record the next two tracks on 3v2 and 4v2, they can be bounced to 12v3, 12v4, etc.  I'm not sure if you could bounce them to 34v3, etc. or not.  I'll defer on that to 64Guitars or someone else with more experience.



"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton


ok lets say i've recorded 3v2 and 4v2 and i've bounce them onto
12v3, how would i get them to be played along with my previous recording which is on 12v2?
Heavy Metal all the WAY!
Oh yea... bodybuilding too :D


I'm gonna have to let the gurus get this one.  Perhaps you would have to save them to 34v2 then bounce 12v3 and 34v2 to another open pair.  Is this your first project?  Pretty ambitious!  Best of luck to you.  I've reached the end of my usefulness on this thread.  Sorry I can't be more help.  Check out the links below.


"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton


Quote from: Guitar-Maniac on January 20, 2009, 01:09:56 PMok lets say i've recorded 3v2 and 4v2 and i've bounce them onto
12v3, how would i get them to be played along with my previous recording which is on 12v2?

As I said before, bouncing records the mixer output (the stereo mix of the four currently-selected v-tracks) to the destination tracks. So, if you have a mix of Tr1v1, Tr2v1, Tr3v1, and Tr4v1 on Tr1v2 and Tr2v2, then you record something else on Tr3v2 and Tr4v2 and bounce to Tr1v3 and Tr2v3, all four currently-selected v-tracks will be included (Tr1v2, Tr2v2, Tr3v2, and Tr4v2). Since Tr1v2 and Tr2v2 contains a mix of the first four tracks and Tr3v2 and Tr4v2 are new tracks, the result of the bounce on Tr1v3 and Tr2v3 will contain a mix of all 6 tracks -- the mix of the first four tracks plus the two new tracks.

Did you look at the other message I referred you to? The chart attached to that message should make it pretty clear.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


so like , when i record on Tr3v2 and Tr4v2 do i then bouce it with Tr1v2 and Tr2v2 and send it to Tr1v3 + Tr2v3?

and oh yea, i did read the message, still was clueless! lol sorry for this
Heavy Metal all the WAY!
Oh yea... bodybuilding too :D


Yes. Bouncing always includes all 4 tracks plus the drum tracks and the input. The only way to exclude tracks is to reduce the track level to minimum or select an empty v-track. The drum tracks are excluded from the bounce by reducing the rhythm level to minimum or turning the rhythm off.

On the first bounce, you're including the first four tracks you've recorded. In all subsequent bounces, you're including the 2-track mix of the previous tracks plus the 2 new tracks. So, regardless of how many bounces you've done, the latest bounce will always include a mix of all of the previous tracks. For example, if you've done 3 bounces, the result of the 3rd bounce will contain a mix of 8 tracks -- the original four in the first bounce, plus two more in the second bounce, plus two more in the third bounce.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


alright i got it, thanks for your time and help!

Heavy Metal all the WAY!
Oh yea... bodybuilding too :D