Posting frequency / How to get more comments

Started by 64Guitars, February 21, 2012, 02:45:15 PM


I think you've misunderstood my point, Chris. If you've recorded this week a Tull cover from the 1970s, or some 18th century Bach, please post it. We'd love to hear it. Music from any era is more than welcome. I was only talking about the older recordings of members; not the era in which the song was written or originally recorded. Songcrafters is not the place for people to post their back catalogues of recordings. We're a forum for people who are actively recording music now. As such, we're mainly interested in hearing what our members are recording today, not what they've done in the past. Although, as I've already said, the occasional older recording is acceptable. We'd just like our members to concentrate on making new recordings instead.

I can't believe that anyone here is currently recording 3 or 4 songs every day. So when I see someone posting with that kind of frequency, I have to assume that they're posting their back catalogue. We don't want that. As I tried to make clear in my earlier post, that kind of posting frequency is bad for the site, unfair to other members, and bad for the poster because he or she will not get many comments.

I think, by far, our most prolific songwriter and poster has to be oldrottenhead. He has posted well over 500 songs. Almost all of them were new recordings. But he's also the earliest active member of Songcrafters and has posted those songs over a period of more than four years. That works out to an average of about one song every 3 or 4 days. Most of our members don't produce anywhere near that kind of output. I think that an average of one song every three days is about the limit of what we should accept. Nobody needs to post 3 or 4 songs every day. And it's very unlikely that anyone can record 3 or 4 songs every day. So if members only post the songs they're recording now, then posting frequency shouldn't be a problem. There are plenty of other music sites where members can post their older recordings. And, as I said, our members are welcome to post a link to those sites in their signatures so that other members can go to those sites and listen to the older recordings if they're interested. But we don't want large numbers of older recordings posted here, especially on a frequent basis.

Quote from: Vaisvil on February 23, 2012, 12:32:18 PMI would like to add that a public post like this makes songcrafters look less than friendly.

I have been a part of (or ran) a lot of communities and usually this sort of thing is better handled by private messages. Sure it takes more effort but it reduces the possibility of negative controversy by orders of magnitude.

As I said, we sometimes handle these situations privately and sometimes publicly. Each way has its pros and cons. A person who receives a private message may feel that they're being treated unfairly. Why single out one person? By posting publicly, it's clear that the comments apply to all members -- past, present, and future. So no member need feel that he or she is being treated unfairly. And it helps to avoid future problems since new members might see this topic, or we can direct them to it.

I don't think you'll find a friendlier or more supportive music community than Songcrafters. We think Songcrafters is the best music community for people who are actively recording music today and want to share those recordings with their peers to get feedback and support. We'll continue to do whatever we can to ensure that Songcrafters remains the best community for that audience. Other communities may have a different audience or different objectives. They can do what they like. We have no obligation or desire to be like them.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Outside of the good observation that multiple posts by one person tends to bury the posts of other people (which is really a site design problem) I think this conversation is kind of over kill.

Its some unwritten law of the internet that different communities like different music. It often happens what I post on one site will not get response at another, or possibly any other site. As a composer one sort of need to take it in stride. Each community has its own definition of good and bad.

It is important to mention that so far in my experience here no one seems to be mean, overtly egotistical or any other such personality types that plague other sites. I never felt unwelcomed and never had a question as to my responses to posts here => until this thread.

I also hasten to point out that what song crafters does have is an extremely high level of musicianship. Higher than most sites I visit. So, to be honest, its a level I don't reach very often. With that in mind I found my not receiving comments on everything I post unsurprising. Especially as I slowly work through the incredible amount of great work posted here. (the Strawberry Fields solo acoustic and I Can See for Miles covers come quickly to mind) 

On the other hand I am confident that if I posted something this community found mind blowing there would be many comments even if I never posted a comment on anyone else's work. i.e. as a community exceptional work seems to be rewarded with recognition.  I can certainly deal with that type of trade off.

So, to be honest, if it were up to me, I'd edit your welcome message making your posting etiquette clear, delete this thread, and move on.

One more point. If if I were the fifth Beatle and posted a track from 1967 that almost made it onto Sgt. Pepper but George Martin talked me out of including would you *really* turn your back on it?

Personally I think the result would be that most everyone here would be astonished. Not bored.

But... I will be sure to post fresh meat from now on. And, yeah, I have done 3 or 4 songs in a day. Actually, in a few hours. But that is me.  I thrive on a site like where the whole point is rapid composition.


I read this an hour & a half ago on my phone. Couldn't wait to get home and comment cause i love the uncomfortable stuff, and sure enough 64 made everything well and good & I forgot what I wanted to say anyhow. I have been posting alot lately, not multiple times a day but quite a bit, and love the comments I get and definitely see less comments when i post more often. As much as I like the comments, I do!, I more like the sharing with peers aspect of the site! I initially used the yahoo group for  info & help I needed and posted a few tunes in 2009 but found the site very confusing back then. I was also recording music for children almost exclusively at the time and not interested in sharing those tunes. When I started to slow down the night gigs last August i really missed playing/performing music for adults and was reminded of this site from the yahoo group which still gets a ? every now and then. This site seemed to have had a major facelift and was very user friendly and I jumped in.
This is the only site I'm active on, I have an alonetone page and posted my 1st cd, and will post my next there. I like how you can post playlists/cd's and the web address is clean and nice,( ) but I would perfer to document & share my recordings here, mostly because of the quality of talent, I respect the opinions I get and I love to listen and I do try to listen, everyday if I can often for hours. I download what I like and I comment on what I want to. I can't comment on everything but I try to often, I have my favorite writers/singers, players but I just dig the vibe here.
Mostly it has inspired me in major ways, the festivals are excellent exercises in recording/writing/arranging/playing and I find it super fun. I've only collaborated a few times, but enjoyed them immensely and will be seeking out some future collaborations soon. I love to hear someone improve recording to recording, lord knows I try to get better with each one.Prolific writers like ORH and Greeny impress me so much, I don't like everything they do, but I love to listen to them all and they inspire me to write more and better. I'm not hear for fans, but have found kindred spirits and perhaps some friends. I'm hear as a writer and recorder guy!  
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Forgot to talk about the actual topic...sorry!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


i know i post far too much i cant help it...............i try to stem it..................... but i get inspired by too many blue nile once sang "i love this life"



whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


     Nothing to do with what's going on here, but I've spotted a couple of references to server space and costs involved to go bigger and streaming speed issues, blah blah blah. So I for one have decided to post all my shit to other sites such as Alonetone etc., and link them to Songcrafters in an effort to preserve what we know and love here...It's a pity about the lack of inclusion for our Member Jukeboxes here, as I truly feel Songcrafters is my 'home' on the web, the place that started this particular path for me, but when the mighty 64 Guitars raises these issues (server space, site speeds etc.) ...we gotta take heed for the life of our site. In future, I'll only be uploading Festival participants here. I love this place. This site has seen me go from being a freak who made up some 'songs' for no one, to being a freak who gets shit played on the radio. How mad is that? And I wouldn't have done it without the support of the Songcrafters members and Admin team.

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


I guess somehow 64 is right about not to post too frequently - it is fair and wise. I'll try (no promise I'll succeed ;-). Don't agree instead with any kind of limitation over what you should post LOL (this could lead to some strange things, in my opinion...)

Tony W

Quote from: henwrench on February 24, 2012, 02:43:00 AMIt's a pity about the lack of inclusion for our Member Jukeboxes here

The member jukeboxes was an incredible bit of custom code completely written by 64 guitars. In a nutshell, it searches each member, checks to see if there is an MP3 attachment associated with the post, then dumps it into a reference file. The inherent problem is that remotely linked files ARE NOT ATTACHED, and that's why the jukeboxes are not populated.

From a nerd standpoint, it would be awesome to see what a programmer could come up with as a work around, but the reality is, the jukeboxes are an incredible courtesy that 64 guitars invented. To get the jukeboxes to work,supporting other sites is ridiculously complex.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR