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Old scarecrow

Started by maxit, February 16, 2012, 02:41:03 AM


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this recently recorded song is a teamwork with Franco that arranged and played everything, Michael (from JPF community) writing this wonderful lyrics, and old scarecrow me (sometimes I feel just this way ;-) writing melody and singing. Here's lyrics:

Old Scarecrow In The Fields Of Love

I'm an, old scarecrow
in the, fields of love
You fly, lonesome dove - but I'm
stuck in, a lonely row
with my arms outstretched
waiting for someone to hold
I'm an, old scarecrow
in the, fields of love
'must be a sight to see - but
no one, cares for me
A ragman lost and abandoned
in the field of opportunity

I've been used, and abused
I've done all, I can do
Sweat my poor, straw heart out
keeping ravens off of you
All I wish for is one day
someone will, come along
smelling sweet, as fresh cut hay, and
lay me down
till the light
of dawn


This is a beauty Maxit... haunting... simple and beautiful... Love it.
Tascam DP-02


Very nice Maxit, when that banjo came it just made me smile, really nice tune!
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


So beautiful!!! It plays automatically from the beginning once it's finished so I just let it go on and on...
Great work here Maxit!! Fantastic lyrics too!!!!!
Boss BR-80


This is  really top work, really enjoyed this song, your are are a really talented songwriter, magic, magic!!!!
Boss BR-80


thaks friends, so happy you liked it !


Love this!! The vocal tone is just simply wonderful, setting a feel and giving the whole thing life. Ace lyrics too. Bang on!!

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


This song is not's GREAT!!

This is a stellar example of good songwriting and the reality that a wonderful song need not be some gigantic production with virtuoso musicians. not to say there was anything wrong with the playing. perhaps the players are virtuosos..but often, as is the case here, LESS is MORE

Loved the lyrics and the way you built the song so slowly. I find this tune really inspiring. The subject matter, imagery, instrument choices, and arrangement all work together incredibly well.

Standing ovation!!

Pine  8)
Boss BR-1200


thanks hen and pinedog: you're too kind. LOL we're very far even from the risk of being virtuoso ...  I just understand what you mean, man, and of course I agree with you (ps Appalachians is somehow where my music come from, how could i disagree? ;-)