Trouble - Rayon Vert original

Started by Farrell Jackson, February 09, 2012, 09:03:46 AM

Farrell Jackson

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I've probably mentioned this before so if I have just chalk it up to oldtimers disease, lol. Rayon Vert is a four member internet group and we all have diverse musical backgrounds. We formed primarily to create classic/prog rock but once in a while some of those diverse musical backgrounds rise to the surface. This is one of those times. Trouble is something totally different than we've ever done before. It's 180 degrees from prog's jazz/lounge. DrC and Gary sent this almost completed music over to me for lyric and vocal additions. I usually just go with the first melody I hear, which was the case with Trouble. I already had some lyric on the shelf so I modified it to fit the melody and this is the result......different but it was fun to try a little crooning, lol!



I've been a rambler most of my life
Don't know any other way..... to get by
I stay as long as I can until it's all mundane
Then I hear the call...... I'm runnin' once again

Time and time I've tried to settle down
I feel the tug and I'm headed out of town
How I long for what slipped away
But trouble's always near to ease my pain

I know trouble.....Trouble's my best friend
She whispers in my ear....then hits me on the chin

Give me drink...... just don't take it way
Everyone needs friends to lead them a stray
So I lean on you .....steady on my stool
I think about my past and order a round for you

One of these days... it's bye, bye my friend
Although we've been through thick and thin
I'm growing weary of clensing my sins
I need an show me the way again

I know trouble.....trouble's my best friend
She whispers in my ear....then hits me on the chin

Farrell Jackson © 1-15-12
Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Cool song Farrell.  Nothing wrong with gong off on a tangent - and the quality is there as always.  I really enjoyed it.



If Life is a dream then use your imagination


I didn't know that Rayon Vert wasn't  a single person.  You sure got a lot of irons in the fire, Farrell.  You're a busy man.  I see where I'd be if I worked, I wouldn't have enough time to make a song.(The way I do)  You guys amaze me.  This is cool marrying of you with a preset song and melody.  You are a true pro, you give til you relax and say, I gave it my best shot.  Kudos, friend, Vic


Cool tune Farrell...and definitely a departure from your comfort zone.

I don't hear this as jazz/lounge at all but more funky reggae feel..great groove!

Nice playing by all and as always, i luv your vox!

Pine  8)
Boss BR-1200


Bit of a change of style, agree with Pinedog, got more of a 10cc/reggae-ish feel than jaaazz, very nicely done. Love the guitar solo and smooth vox, the crooning worked well for me! Lovely production, nice balance of instruments and some very nice effects as well.




I think when folks go "off track" is when they start to find their own way.

The production of this tune has me intrigued. I liked the entry of the keys that have an almost steel-drum sound, and the key break snagged me as well.

Very cool.



Yes, going "off track" is great!! I don't know if it's jazz or funk or maybe reggae, but it really sounds fantastic!!
Boss BR-80


Whatever genre it is, it is tasty!

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!