"Winds of Change"

Started by Zencat, February 07, 2012, 07:03:05 AM


The only feedback is that it's a stunning piece of writing, performing and recording.  Welcome, great to hear from you.
Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter

Wow! I am somewhat overwhelmed.  Thank you so much to everyone for posting such generous comments and detailed technical advice. I've had more feedback in a day here than 7 months on Soundcloud! I can't wait to sort out the unwanted clicks, and  the question that was in the the back of my mind about software has also been answered- this is really invaluable. I will get busy editing and also post another song shortly.

   Thanks so much, you've made my day  :)
Boss Micro BR



Hey Zencat... welcome... and I cannot add anymore than hasn't already been said. I will say that final editing is much easier to do in Audacity... but would recommend you master with the MBR. It sounds as if you have no issues with the levels and things of that nature... You've got a really great voice... very easy to listen to. Love the tune. More please!!!
Tascam DP-02


I'm currently listening to your recordings at SoundCloud and I'm very impressed!!!!! You are an incredibly talented young lady with a beautiful voice and it's quite an honour to have you here at Songcrafters. I'm a Zencat fan! I think you'll make lots of fans here.

I heard a bit of violin in "Signs" and "Wishing & Regretting". Did you play it? What other instruments do you play? Did you play the drums in "Open" and "Listen To Your Heart"? And the slide guitar in "Listen To Your Heart" (which is really nice)? Your lyrics sound quite good too. I hope you'll post them along with any songs you post here. We have a lyrics BBCode tag which puts your lyrics in a scrollable box. You can read about it here.

I took the liberty of adding links to your SoundCloud and MySpace pages in your signature. I also added your picture from your SoundCloud page. I hope that's okay. Feel free to change any of it if you want to (just click on "Profile" in the menu at the top of the page).

I see from your SoundCloud page that you're a Londoner. You should check out our OsCKilO. Like you, he's a singer/songwriter, a Londoner, and plays (mainly) acoustic guitar. He frequently performs at open mic nights in London. Here's his latest song post:


You can check out more of his songs in his jukebox.

Welcome to Songcrafters, Zencat!  I look forward to hearing more of your songs.

Fellow Songcrafters:  Be sure to check out Zencat's SoundCloud page by clicking the SoundCloud icon in her signature. You'll be glad you did. She's amazing!!!

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


cheers for that 64, listened to a couple of songs moira and very impressed, when i get some time to myself gonna listen to them all.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


I can hear Joni Mitchell in your vocal tone and intonations. A very good thing, I might add! This is stunningly good (as everyone else has pointed out!). So pure and wonderful.


Wow! hat's a really beautiful tune, your harmonies are really tight and I love the little change at the end (2:50). The recording sounds great, like others have said check out audacity to trim the edges. Soon you'll be giving all of us advise, your the bomb!
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


I too can hear some Joni Mitchell in your voice but there's a lovely unique quality about it as well. This is a beautiful, beautiful song, so well played and sung. Overall it sounds absolutely superb, I loved the harmonies and the whole song. Welcome to the forum!

You've had some good advice about trimming the noise off that track at that start and end. My only suggestion on the sound side is that at times the recording of the vocal gets a little trebly when you sing high and loud. It's very hard to capture such an expressive voice as yours (and this sounds very good btw), are you using the onboard mics on the  BR, or a separate mic? I think a little bit of compression on the vocals might help to tame the peaks a little. But it's no big issue, you have produced superb work here.




Hi Zencat!
Welcome to songcrafters

An excellent composition!
You have a really beautyfull voice!
I was listening to Joan Baez "Farewell Angelina" this morning, and your voice is very close to her voice!

Love the starting arpeggios on guitar... I would put it up in the mix...



Boss Micro BR

"I'm sitting on a comet / Slowing speed / I'm landing on your planet / On your land of weed" Daniel (de Sète)


Quote from: Ferryman on February 12, 2012, 08:54:07 AMYou've had some good advice about trimming the noise off that track at that start and end. My only suggestion on the sound side is that at times the recording of the vocal gets a little trebly when you sing high and loud. It's very hard to capture such an expressive voice as yours (and this sounds very good btw), are you using the onboard mics on the  BR, or a separate mic? I think a little bit of compression on the vocals might help to tame the peaks a little.

Thanks Ferryman, I've been aware of this myself but not known how to fix it - yes I am using the onboard mic. Would compression involve using a different mic, or is it something that can be done with the MBR?

Quote from: 64Guitars on February 07, 2012, 09:53:51 PMI'm currently listening to your recordings at SoundCloud and I'm very impressed!!!!! You are an incredibly talented young lady with a beautiful voice and it's quite an honour to have you here at Songcrafters. I'm a Zencat fan! I think you'll make lots of fans here.

I heard a bit of violin in "Signs" and "Wishing & Regretting". Did you play it? What other instruments do you play? Did you play the drums in "Open" and "Listen To Your Heart"? And the slide guitar in "Listen To Your Heart" (which is really nice)?

Thanks for becoming a fan! Although I feel duty bound to point out that the term "young lady" is probably defunct after 40!  Yes that is me on the violin.  I play guitar, violin and keyboards, but a don't own the latter atm, so they don't appear on any current songs.  "Open" and "Listen to Your Heart" were recorded with a band a few years ago. I play acoustic guitar and the other guitars and drums were played by the other band members.

I have downloaded Audacity which has been brilliant for editing the songs I have that were in wav format - however, Winds of Change is in mp3 and I had problems trying to convert it back on the MBR. It seemed to work, but when I replayed it it had become garbled about half way through...any suggestions? I suspect it could be to do with the virtual tracks.

Until I can figure it out, I will post another song in a new thread.

Thanks for the Joni /Joan comparisons!
Boss Micro BR