Vocal settings

Started by Tangled Wires, January 16, 2009, 09:00:47 AM

Tangled Wires

I am about to have a go at putting some vocals on one of my tracks and was wondering is there is an effect or setting which limits the upper volume of the vocals? (like a noise gate).

Boss Micro BR


The Limiter effect does just that. It prevents peaks from crossing a threshold level (see page 70 of the Micro BR manual). You'll find the limiter in the MSTR TOOL KIT algorithm of the LN/EX effects bank. You can access this (or any other) bank by pressing CURSOR < to move the cursor to the bank, then pressing the VALUE [-]/[+] buttons to change it.

The compressor effect can also be used to limit levels. The difference is that the compressor will also boost low levels. In other words, the compressor limits the entire dynamic range, whereas the limiter only limits peak levels.

By the way, a noise gate is the opposite of a limiter. A noise gate only passes signals that are above a threshold level (eliminating low-level noise), while a limiter keeps levels below a threshold value (eliminating distortion from high levels).

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

Glenn Mitchell

I've never heard it put so clearly before thanks.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

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