Silicon case

Started by Tony, January 15, 2009, 04:44:43 AM


Does anyone use the silicon case that Roland sell to protect the MBR?  I was very happy with mine until I came to use the line in minijack input.  The case accepts the minijack but the silicon is molded too close and the effect is that the jack does not enter completely.  I had a very confusing 15 minutes wondering why I couldn't get a sound out my keyboard.  It is possible to trim the silicon but care is needed or it will tend to rip.

Anyone else had this problem?


Hi Tony,
you are right, I have the same problem also with some specific jack guitar cables (guitar input).

I thought to trim the silicon around the 2 holes but I didn't do in order to avoid some mistakes.
Any suggestions to easily trim without damaging the silicon case?



Quote from: Tony on January 15, 2009, 04:44:43 AMDoes anyone use the silicon case that Roland sell to protect the MBR?  I was very happy with mine until I came to use the line in minijack input.  The case accepts the minijack but the silicon is molded too close and the effect is that the jack does not enter completely.  I had a very confusing 15 minutes wondering why I couldn't get a sound out my keyboard.  It is possible to trim the silicon but care is needed or it will tend to rip.

Anyone else had this problem?


Wow, this amazes me. At the expense of you guys, it is somewhat humorous, though! :D :D

However, it seems like complete oversight to me. Is Boss the manufacturer of this case, I wonder? I would think the manufacturer would have the know-how to test that before selling it.

Not that I have anything staggering to add here, but I'd try an Exacto or other hobby knife.
"90-proof pain, I shot at a time."  -George Molton


Quote from: FG on January 15, 2009, 06:13:19 AMHi Tony,
you are right, I have the same problem also with some specific jack guitar cables (guitar input).

I thought to trim the silicon around the 2 holes but I didn't do in order to avoid some mistakes.
Any suggestions to easily trim without damaging the silicon case?



Quote from: Tony on January 15, 2009, 04:44:43 AMDoes anyone use the silicon case that Roland sell to protect the MBR?  I was very happy with mine until I came to use the line in minijack input.  The case accepts the minijack but the silicon is molded too close and the effect is that the jack does not enter completely.  I had a very confusing 15 minutes wondering why I couldn't get a sound out my keyboard.  It is possible to trim the silicon but care is needed or it will tend to rip.

Anyone else had this problem?

Unfortunately, it will cost a little money, but you could file, sand, or grind the edges of some copper pipe of the appropriate diameter and use it as a cutting die to get a nice round circle.



"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton

Glenn Mitchell

Mine came with a black felt pouch. Works fine. Doesn't take up extra space
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


The silicon case doesn't do the same job as the black felt pouch.  It functions to protect the MBR whilst it is being used unlike the black felt which has to be removed to use the recorder.  Sounds good until you realise that the silicon case stops you from using certain functions: line in in my case and gtr in in the case of FG.

I agree with BossMicroBRew, the whole thing is humourous, absurd and slighty ridiculous and if I'm getting this obsessive about it whilst I'm sober, god knows what I'll be like in a couple of hours.  My excuse is that I got stiffed on selling my Gitane D-500 this morning and now I need drink/line in.


For anyone who's interested, I discovered last night that the MBR is the same size as the Nintendo DS.  So.....we have numerous more options for a case!



"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton


Hey, there's always duct tape!  ~*BURP*~*!  :o
"90-proof pain, I shot at a time."  -George Molton


I think the case is awesome, I already dropped the micro from 3 ft , and it made a nice little thud, as it fell perfectly on one of the silicon corners. I do think the hole is to small but exacto will do the trick.


MY one gripe though is:
The silicon is not clear enough. So, it makes the letters on the round buttons (A/B, +,-. <, >, exit, utility) impossible to read. If they would have printed the lettering on the silicon case that would be awesome, but more expensive. So I think I'm gonna get a fine point sharpie and write them on, but I bet it wont stick to the silicon permanently.
Once you memorize them though this wont matter.