Need help with saving incompleted songs

Started by jkkramer, January 14, 2009, 03:28:19 PM


Here is the deal. I have 2 songs that are waiting for Bass and Vocal Tracks. I want to remove them from my SD card to free up space for a live recording of our band practice. If I convert these 2 songs to MP3 and copy to my computer, will I be able to put them back on the MBR to finish them. I realize I will have to mix them down good as they will be brought back onto the MBR as one track. (Is this correct?) If this is possible, could someone walk me through it? Thes are my first 2 songs and dont want to screw them up or lose them... Thanks in advance... JKK


Although it's possible to save your song as an MP3, then later import it back into the Micro BR, I don't recommend it. The quality of an MP3 is significantly inferior to the quality of your original BR tracks. But more importantly, the MP3 will have all of your tracks mixed down to a stereo pair and you won't be able to separate them for editing or re-mixing.

Instead, you should backup your memory card as described on pages 104 and 105 of the Micro BR manual, 3rd edition. When you later restore the backup to your Micro BR, all of your tracks will be there just as you left them and you can continue working on the song as if it had never left the BR.

I should note that the backup/restore procedure in the manual is for the entire memory card, not just one song. So, when you later restore the backup, you need to erase the card first or use a spare card that's empty. There is a way to backup and restore individual songs if you have sufficient computer knowledge, but it seems to me that most BR owners do not. If you're not sure, it's probably best to stick to full backups as the manual describes.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

Glenn Mitchell

2 ideas..
1. buy a new chip. sooo cheap now, buy a few.
2. buy a USB cable, plug it in and upload the folders to a computer. Just drag and drop the folders.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


Kinda what I was thinking....

Couldn't you just hook up the MBR to the computer and make a copy of the ROLAND (not MP3) folder to the computer. Then erase the memory card. Then when you are ready to retrieve the songs drag the ROLAND folder back to the BR???


Quote from: dragonshade on January 20, 2009, 08:42:58 AMCouldn't you just hook up the MBR to the computer and make a copy of the ROLAND (not MP3) folder to the computer. Then erase the memory card. Then when you are ready to retrieve the songs drag the ROLAND folder back to the BR???
That would do it! ;)


"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton