Confession time!

Started by StevieM, January 09, 2009, 07:13:32 PM


Not sure if this is the right place, but it's here anyway :)
It's confession time!!
Just right now I feel a bit of a fraud being on this forum. I can't play too well, can't sing, and can't come up with melodies too well either. About all I can do is occaissionaly come up with a few  maybe ( sometimes) halfway reasonable lyrics. Although I've been writing things for quite a while, turning them into songs, and collaboration, is new to me.
The thing is, I'm 54, been fiddling around with the guitar on and off for a long time now, and it may be too late to get much better, so probably won't be able to contribute much to the music side of things.
I'll post a couple of lyrics, with the general style/feel of how I think they should sound and see what happens.
If the general consensus is that I'd be better off bowing out for a while 'till ( hopefully) my playing and stuff gets a little bit better, I'll go along with that.
I know this sounds a bit self-pitying, but it's really not, just self-honesty and realistic, seeing what just about all the rest of you can do musically, and I'm sure I'll never come close to that.
I'll be posting some lyrics in ' collaborations ' in the next day or two. If you want, have a look and let me know what you think, and maybe do something with them? It's more than possible my words aren't as good as I think some of them are either.

Please, one thing I ask is BE HONEST, I won't take offence :).

I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


Bollocks!!! To me, and I am sure everybody else, this forum is about micro recorders, the MBR in particular, making music with it, collaborating with others on it, and having fun doing all the above. I see no rule posted here that you have to be some sort of virtuoso!!!! Hell, I know damm well I'm not, especially compared to some of the guys on here, but I post anyway 'cos I enjoy it. You put your stuff up mate, dont worry about how bad you think it is. It is a great learning process apart from anything else, honest feedback and good advice will help you overcome your self perceived faults, which are probably not anywhere as bad as you think!


Pitooty!  This forum welcomes all, from the shiny french-tailored shoe to the rotten leather boot at the bottom of the sea that has green muck growing on it that is gently wisping in the frigid current.
"90-proof pain, I shot at a time."  -George Molton


Technical proficiency with an instrument or vocals has never been a requirement for making good music. It's more about putting honest feeling into it. If your lyrics are as honest as your message, I'm sure we'll all enjoy hearing them. Go for it.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


i agree with steve. i'm sneaking up on 54, can't read a note of music, haven't picked up a guitar since '84, just started playing the bass 3+ months ago that i stripped of it's frets and i'm going to attempt some keyboards next - all in a more difficult discipline known as Jazz. i don't think this site is about who's better than who. and... if any criticism is directed towards me regarding my talent or lack of - i hope it is meant to be constructive. yes - there are some very talented artists here displaying their... well, their talent. i choose to use that as an inspiration that i might get that level. hang in there my fellow musician. you will arrive.

i'll step down from the soapbox now

mark r
"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

wandering aimlessly around as: Mr2Kewl - The Kewl Trio - Mr2Kewl Quartet and The Total Chaos Orchestra


Thanks guys. I was just feeling a bit down and reflective when I put that up, but feeling quite a bit better now. That'll teach me not to post things in the wee small hours when I'm like that. Maybe I should have just tried writing a few lyrics instead, but then again they'd probably be instant wrist slashing stuff ;D

Really I'm determined to get a bit better! I'll try posting a couple of bits and see where it goes from there. And BMB, I might nick that bit about the shoes, it's given me a vague idea of something.

Anyway, thanks again.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


I sometimes like wrist slashing songs ,,, depends on the mood  ;)

Go for it mate, it aint gotta be perfect, and if you put a rough sketch up on the collaboration thread and it catches someone's interest, well .... who knows where it will end up!

Glenn Mitchell

Agreed. Music is about creativity and fun. I'm 64 and betting better every day (well every day I practice anyway) and I like the shoe poetry too.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


Hell I wish I could write lyrics. I would love to do at least one of my own but when I pick up a pen to have a go my head goes completely empty. Thats why I stick to covers.

Thats probably the wrong way to do it ( by picking up a pen)

How do you write lyrics? ??? ???


Don't ask me,I don't know if I can either, you'll have to judge for yourself as and when they're posted.
Words just appear sometimes. On the odd ocassion it comes out as nearly a complete song, with just a bit of tweaking, most of the time it's just a jumble as I think of them, then put in some sort of order.
I've got LOADS of bits of paper with odd bits written down, sometimes just a couple of words, or maybe a title. They may or may not get any further.
The one thing I ( nearly) always have is a pad and pen handy, just to jot down odd bits.
Lets face it, there's been more than a few songs that have been big, but if you listen to the words you think "what a load of crap, how did that even get released!"
It's a bit like the others have said to me on here about playing, just go for it. ;D
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!