A Christmas Song

Started by thetworegs, December 09, 2011, 06:13:26 AM


YuleFest (banner image missing)

A Christmas song about what really matters.................

A Christmas Song
Vocal & Music  Reg
Welcome to christmas eve the show begins again
were going to dance and sing all day long
it's how it all begins
christmas we love you
christmas is always sweet
Christmas is where i want to be with you all day long it feels so neat

I love Christmas  
I love the sound, of the bells
i love the way my heart swells just being with you and the girls
I love it all
I love the snow fall
i love everything about christmas
I love it all especially with you

So come on darling
Lets clap our hands
Lets get happy again
Lets get it going once again
Cause Christmas time is here again
We've got to do our best to have fun
Because if we don't we'll lose it all
we've got to keep it going for everyone to have a ball

Clap your hands and sing this song and we'll keep Christmas alive
if you don't i tell you right now, the whole things gonna up and die
its gonna turn to a commercial hell
Where what its about is what you want
what you got and what you need
Not about, not about the love

Clap your hands and sing this song it's about Christmas time
About all the holly and the Ivy and the hope christ bought along
Its not about what you got, or you want or what you really need
It's about the ones you love
The one thing that you really need

Its love at Christmas time
Thats all you need
A little love at Christmas time thats what you need
So clap your hands and sing this song
Come along and join on in
what do we need for christmas
all we need
is a little bit of love

I don't need presents
I don't need things
All i want for christmas is the love that you bring
all i want is you my babe
For, this christmas day
i want to thank you for loving me and every single day

Clap your hands and sing this song it's about Christmas time
About all the holly and the Ivy and the hope christ bought along
Its not about what you got or you want or what you think you need
It's about the ones you love
The one thing that you really need

I don't need presents
I don't need a thing
All i want for christmas is the love that you bring
all i want is you my babe
For this christmas day
i want to  thank you for loving me today on Christmas day
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


This is class Reg, top shelf material..a big well done.....Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



Destined to be a holiday classic. Well done Reg, well done Reg.

Farrell Jackson

You have written a real classic Christmas song here Reg! Good words and excellent melody is what it takes and you have it. I love that harmonium or accordion sound.....very well done....I'm envious!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Love it Reg and I really dig the percussion!
Love on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


I was listening to this earlier folding the washing.....what a glamorous life us househusbands lead and thought it was worth a Christmas Bump..........
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Nice bump!! Great song with fine lyrics! Love it!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Listened to this earlier - come back to comment. So true - the lyrics say it all. Christmas has been hijacked by consumerism and habit (tradition). The simple things in life are best. An excellent track.
Boss BR-1600


I love this song, thanks for bumping, I missed it last year.
Great warm accordian sound and lyrics are heartfelt and true.
Happy Holidays.


"Rock is dead they say, Long Live Rock, be it dead or alive"    P. Townsend