Rythmn and guitar settings (loss of)

Started by Bounty001, January 04, 2009, 10:37:09 AM


I've had the Br since Xmas and might have changed some settings that have resulted in the following symtoms, or maybe it's just something I've started to notice:

If I use a drum pattern as a backing the sound of my guitar changes to sound as if I am playing through fog, with all the treble reduced. Have I made some changes while fiddling, or is this a feature of the Br?

I've reset the machine, but this makes no effect.

Any help appreciated.


Unless you have saved a patch to a user setting, the MBR will reset to default every time you switch it off, so I would not have thought it is due to you changing any settings. And it only happens when you have the drums going? I have no idea. 64 Guitars is your best bet to help, and I think that even he will be baffled without more info, maybe post some samples with and without drums so we can hear? Best of luck working it out.


You're right, Steve. Based on the description posted so far, I have no ideas. Maybe with a few more details, something might click.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Definitely not a feature of my BR. I was working out a drum arrangement yesterday and was playing rhythm guitar along with it to make sure I had the length of the various sections correct. I was using one of the clean standard guitar settings with the guitar plugged straight into the guitar input (no external amp or effects). It was so bright sounding I had to switch to the front pickup and turn the treble on the guitar down (Telecaster).

Check you have the "GTR" input on and that you also have the effects on.

