Funkee Blooz

Started by Bobtail, November 18, 2011, 11:26:42 PM


E79 tune
Hi ,could you please take the time to give my song a listen and give any comments on how I can improve my recording.
Its my guitar /amp miced up and recorded into a BR800.Not looking for a realy polished recording.


Well I must say this sounds a fine recording. I'm gonna sound like a broken record... but I would say panning guitars would help widen things out a bit... as far as tone... I'm not a guitar player, but this sounds damn fine to me. I don't hear much background noise so your doin much better than me using mic's... BTW I have to comment on the tune... cause that is some funkalicious infectious groove there.
Tascam DP-02


great piece bobtail, but i agree with ratatattat, could be my laptop peakers but everything seems panned to the one side, all music coming from my left speaker and none from the right hand. not listened on headphones so could be my dodgy speakers.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


oops loose speaker cable , but i still agree song would relly benefit from panning the guitars.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


This is mighty fine guitar work love,in the jazzy blues feel, a bit of panning or a funky rhythm guitar panned to the right, but apart from that this is great stuff, loved it!!
Boss BR-80


Thanks for taking the time to give my toon a listen and handy tips.

So,I have deleted this song from my BR800 but still have it as a project on sonar.Can I do it on sonar still ?If I pan the guitar tracks left or right wont people that dont have 2 speakers be only able to hear half of it ?

For next time-I record with 1 mic and mono record with BR800 ,can I pan say the rythum guitar both left and right ,if so how much on each or would I have to of saved it on a V-track to do this.



You can try panning 75-80% . The idea is to widen the sound. especially for listening through headphones. Not sure what the golden rule is, but on this tune I would try panning the lead guitar and leaving the rhythm guitar centered. If you have two rhythm tracks try panning those LT and RT and leaving the lead centered... just depends on how you want things to sound I suppose. Hope this helps.
Tascam DP-02


Quote from: Bobtail on November 19, 2011, 09:14:49 PMSo,I have deleted this song from my BR800

Did you back it up to your computer first? You should always backup your songs before deleting them. That way, you can always restore them at a later date to make changes. You can copy single songs between your BR and your computer using BR Song Librarian.

Quotebut still have it as a project on sonar.Can I do it on sonar still ?


QuoteIf I pan the guitar tracks left or right wont people that dont have 2 speakers be only able to hear half of it ?

Only if they're listening on a stereo device with one speaker. But that would be a crazy thing to do. If they have a mono device with one speaker, they'll hear everything because it should combine the left and right channels into a single mono channel.

QuoteFor next time-I record with 1 mic and mono record with BR800 ,can I pan say the rythum guitar both left and right ,if so how much on each or would I have to of saved it on a V-track to do this.

Imagine that you're in the audience watching a band perform the song. Where do you want the guitarist to stand?

If you want him to stand at the extreme left of the stage (in the wings), set the pan of the guitar track fully counter-clockwise (L50).


If you want him to stand at the extreme right of the stage (in the wings), set the pan of the guitar track fully clockwise (R50).


If you want him to stand in the centre of the stage, set the pan of the guitar track in the middle (C00).


More likely, you'll want to place him somewhere between centre and far left or right.



You can use any value between 0 and 50. It doesn't have to be 25. For example, R39 would be just a bit more to the right than R25.


For a fuller-sounding guitar and a better stereo effect, try duplicating the track and time-shifting it very slightly to create a slight delay. You can do this using the TRACK COPY feature included in the version 1.10 update. The "TO" parameter allows you to position the copy just slightly ahead of the original. You'll have to experiment with the value to determine how far you want to shift it. Don't forget to pan one of the tracks somewhere on the left and the other somewhere on the right.

L37                                      R35

Note that the time-shift is important. Without it, there's no point duplicating a track because two identical tracks are the same thing as one mono track panned to the centre. Exactly the same signal will come from each speaker.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website


Thanks guys that makes panning a lot clearer.

So if i put rythum guitar L25 and lead fill guitar R25,would you usually pan bass guitar ? Also would you pan a guitar solo that I would like to stand out a bit from the rest ?

I might try the track copy on my next song ,also thanks 64guitars ,I backed up the song on the computer and also 'protect' on BR800 -you never know when you might press the wrong button.I  deleted it on purpose so I wont get confused with different songs.

Cheers :)

Hi and Welcome  aboard, nice post. Reminded me just a tad of the Average White Band, I kept waiting for the brass stabs. Looking forward to your next post..............Willie
Boss BR-800