'Onwards and Upwards' - Greeny Original

Started by Greeny, October 24, 2011, 05:50:00 PM


Cheers fellas. An interesting point for MBR users is that I used the VocalFx1 patch for some of the backing vox. It has a nice reverb-drenched delay on it - quite trippy, but with a nice warmth. It's the first time I've used it on a song (not sure why I haven't gone down this route before...). The solo was done on my fave MS Dry patch. The keyboard parts were played on a proper 'grown up' electric piano that has a percussive organ setting - I learned a lot about using it as a rhythm guitar replacement on this track. Was very happy with the keyboard part in particular. It might have been better to get a proper guitarist in for the solo, but I got over-excited, and it was almost midnight, lol. Just wanted it done and dusted.


This is absolutely wonderful.  The quality of the recording and mix is astounding.  Marvelous.  Nothing improper about the solo either!


andy casson

very cool song, I am humming away, lovely vocals and harmonies and a cool psycadelic solo
Loved it, onto mypod for sure!



Tim i love the keys you've done here.
This is definatly a 'Green' song, but with the joy of added keys!
It is ALWAYS a pleasure to listen to your compositions Tim.

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!


Way to go Tim... That verse really sounds like something out of the mean streets of Chicago... and then swirls into British invasion (A good invasion)... Killer guitar lead. Love it to pieces.

Tascam DP-02


It's actually the subtle arpeggiated guitar that floats in and out that gets me on this tune.  Your arranging is always interesting.



Nice use of keyboard there, Tim - that jumped out at me first. And a trippy yet tight arrangement. You've got such a (seemingly) easy way of churning out these gems, and with a terrific production. That VocalFX1 patch sounds great! Doesn't hurt that you're feeding an excellent vocal into it.  :)
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition

Tangled Wires

Great song, and love the way the vocal comes straight in at the start to kick everything off.

All the usual ingredients are there that we come to expect from a Greeny song, and musically there is just so much to admire, and the keys really do add something very special to this. Cracking solo at 3.30 to take the song to its conclusion...must try that MS Dry patch if the sound of this is anything to go by!

Vocals and production are as top class as ever.

Boss Micro BR


Lots of songwriting craft and experience showing here and a very ambitious arrangement and production for the M-BR.  Trademark Greeny melody and harmonies and the enhanced palette of sounds make it an adventurous first listen: 'Where is he going next?' and then a surprise...
Tascam DP-24
Cakewalk SONAR
Boss Micro BR
These days I merely dabble at being old and wise.
But I swear, I used to absolutely excel at being young and stupid.

Farrell Jackson

Great Tim! Man you just keep putting out good songs...... one after another. I do like the use of the organ here. It adds a nice full sound to the song without being out front, nice mixing there. Another high point is your use of the 7th chords mix with the major and diminished chords. Oh here comes the sonic blast of a guitar solo.....it puts a cool tension to the songs exit. Nice work again!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?