How do I 'recover' songs from computer to BR?

Started by jackofall, December 31, 2008, 05:05:09 AM


Good morning. Happy New year....can anyone help? I'm confused and baffled. I want to send a track back from my computer to my BR. I've looked at the manual and don't understand it.

1. Erase the BR's Roland folder (what, just delete? Later on it says I should copy it first and that deleting the folder will lose all data on the BR. Can someone clarify?)

2. Drag the computer's Roland folder to the Micro BR icon and drop it there. (Where's the computer's Roland folder? I can only find the BR's one....???)

Can someone walk me through it? I'd be very grateful.

Another thing I don't understand is this....I'v got three songs on my machine, OK? When I connect to the computer, I've got lots of them. If I delete them from the machine itself, they appear to remain in the MP3 folder.

If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand, we'd be so simple, we couldn't...

Flash Harry

What is it you want to send back?

If it is an MP3 or a WAV file that you have modified on the PC then you need tosend it to the MP3 folder on the MBR and import the track using Trk>Imp.

If you have backed up the Roland folder to your PC then you just need to copy back the Roland folder. This will return the MBR to the state it when you backed it up.

Am I answering the right question?
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Quote from: jackofall on December 31, 2008, 05:05:09 AMI want to send a track back from my computer to my BR.

By "track", do you mean a single song from a backup?

The ROLAND folder contains everything (except MP3s) for all of the songs on the card. So, the instructions you're referring to are for backup and restore of the entire card. That's the only kind of backup/restore the manual describes. It offers no procedure for backup/restore of individual songs. If you need to restore a song from a backup, they expect you to erase all of the songs currently on the card (the ROLAND folder) and restore the entire backup. Obviously, you have to backup the card before you erase the ROLAND folder if there are any songs you want to keep. After you've restored the backup, you can press [UTILITY], then [TR1](SNG), then [TR1](SEL) and use the VALUE [-]/[+] buttons to scroll through the list of songs and choose the one you want.

There is a way to backup and restore individual songs which I've described here before. However, it seems to me that most BR users have a very limited understanding of files and folders, so I'm a bit reluctant to describe the procedure again as it could lead to problems such as overwritten or lost data. If you're confident that your knowledge of files, folders, and directory structures is good, then search for my earlier message to learn what's required for individual song backup and restore. However, Roland doesn't support the method I described so, unless you're very confident in your knowledge of computer file systems, you should probably stick with Roland's method of backing up and restoring the entire card rather than individual songs.

QuoteAnother thing I don't understand is this....I'v got three songs on my machine, OK? When I connect to the computer, I've got lots of them. If I delete them from the machine itself, they appear to remain in the MP3 folder.

It sounds like you're confusing the BR multitrack songs with the MP3 songs you've copied to your BR. They're not the same thing. It might help to think of the Micro BR as two machines in one - a multitrack recorder and an MP3 player. The files for the multitrack songs are stored in the ROLAND folder, and the MP3 files are stored in the MP3 folder. You switch between multitrack mode and MP3 mode using the [MP3/TRAINER] button. When you browse through your songs in multitrack mode, you'll see only the songs you've created on the BR (no MP3s). When you're in MP3 mode, you'll see only the MP3s, not the songs you created on the BR. Of course, you can import a song from the MP3 folder into a multitrack song, but that's a separate procedure - it doesn't happen automatically when you copy MP3s from your computer to the MP3 folder.

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     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thanks for your help. It all sounds a bit too tricky for me, I'm afraid. I've fiddled about a bit but have to admit defeat on this one.
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand, we'd be so simple, we couldn't...

I have a question for anyone who can help. I hope it's not a dumb question. I keep getting the "card full" message. So I have about 10 songs I am working on. I got a usb cable, thinking I could drag most of the songs I am working on to create some room, and then drag them back to the Micro BR when I want to work on them. The problem is, when the folder opens up on the computer, the songs (which are in the Roland folder) have names that are totally different than the names I have given them on the BR. They seem to have no relation at all to the names I have given them, and I can't tell which song is which. They are like "SONG0034.BRO"  I only  have 10 songs in there, and I have given them letter names on the BR. So anyway, I can't tell which songs are which in the Roland folder when I open it up on my computer. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks