Celebrity Strife (LitL)

Started by thetworegs, October 17, 2011, 03:38:20 PM


LitLR (banner image missing)

Reg has been thinking he's fed up with all this celebrity crap.......the emperor is naked can't you see..........


I've said this once
I've said this twice
I don't give a damn  about the celebrities life
About who's fat, about who's tall
I couldn't give a Monkeys about it all
I mean Come on go get a  life
Lets forget about all this celebrity strife

we can go on, i'm sure we can
im sure i  could have got done what i did today
I mean, Come on, it's not life or death
Come on, go and get a life
Come on forget about the celebrity strife

I mean who really gives a damn if Charlie Sheen
Smoked all the coke on the Californian scene
If he's shagged every Porn star alive
I mean, come on, How does that affect me
Come on, go get a life
Come on,Lets forget about all the celebrity life

You got to be real shallow yeah
If you believe what you read
but why the hell would you, what is the need
I mean, Come on go get a  life
Come on  forget their lifes
Come on let's  forget about all this celebrity strife

I've said this once
I've said this twice
I don't give a damn  about the celebrities life
About who's fat, about who's tall
I couldn't give a Monkeys about it all
I mean Come on, go get a  life
Come on forget about all that celebrity strife

we can go on, i'm sure we can
im sure i  could have got done what i did today
I mean, Come on, it's not life or death
Come on, go and get a life
Come on forget about the celebrity strife

I mean who really gives a damn if Charlie Sheen
Smoked all the coke on the Californian scene
If he's shagged every Porn star alive
I mean, come on, How does that affect me
Come on, go get a life
Come on,Lets forget about all the celebrity life

You got to be real shallow yeah
If you believe what you read
but why the hell would you, what is the need
I mean, Come on go get a life
Come on forget their lives
Come on let's  forget about all this celebrity strife


If Life is a dream then use your imagination


..smoked all the coke on the Californian scene
If he's shagged every Porn star alive

....really? cool (lol) !

I like the swing in this one !!!!


Good lyrics for a real groovy song, great post, downloaded and strait to mp3 player !


who's Charlie Seen ?
hou hou ha ha


well I wish I could download this song ...
hou hou ha ha


Boss Micro BR


Great song indeed !

Really cool lyrics and I love your performance !
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Oh yes, I love what you have done here Reg!
This style on your vox is great...

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!


very interesting. glad you put down mr "god in his own mind" charlie sheen :P