Search (at least one) ends!

Started by peterp, September 27, 2011, 06:53:06 PM


Spent a long time tracking down the music to an old (about 50 years) protest-folk song.
Called "La Colombe (The Dove)" by Jacques Brel, found it was translated by a fellow named
Alasdair Clayre in his book "100 folk songs and new songs" circa 1969.

I finally found that book through a used bookshop in the US, cost me 12:50$ for the book and 12:50$ for delivery (brokered by Amazon)

Funny the original price tag on the book says 60p and this copy was marked down at one point to 30p :)
Long story short I've got the song and a pile of others that look interesting, just need to take it slow the 44 year old book is in very good condition but has a really interesting odor.

One search over, now if manage to locate an old original Russian made "Sovtek big muff pi" and a...

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Quote from: - Newton Minow, head of FCC 1961"Television, America's vast wasteland"