Redlights - The Falsies

Started by chapperz66, September 13, 2011, 12:59:08 PM

Tony W

As always, this is utterly superb. WOW

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Hey guys... this is a Helluva tune. So big and beefy... Your production is sooo technical... You guys are pro all the way. Thanks for sharing.
Tascam DP-02

Glenn Mitchell

Blown away here. I have no idea how you did this. Probably some MIDI magic I'll never understand.
Great, great vox!!!. Pro Prog. Dynamite guitar. Cool riffs.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


I am genuinely delighted that you like this song.  I have to say I'm really pleased with it myself and can't begin to say how excited I was when I first heard Nick's vocal delivery.

As you suggest Glenn, there was a fair bit of "midi" going on, but in truth that's not magic.  I won't bore you with too much detail (unless you really want me to) but I have some very powerful keyboards which each have 16 track midi recorders built in.  Eventually I managed to work out how to midi synch them all together with the synch generator in my BR1600.

I start with playing the "drums" on the keyboard of one using quantize on the kick and snare to keep me in time, and then add all the rest (cymbals, toms etc) without quantize to make it sound more natural.   Beacause I like some funny time signatures I have to insert shorter or longer bars where appropriate and add the drums to these.  I then layer all the rest of the keys by recording them in the respective midi recorders.  I seldom program the keyboard parts because it is quicker to play it than program it - if you can play a bit   ;) .

I put some distorted rhythm guitar riffs on this song by recording direct on the BR (Fender strat through a Vox Tonelab).  I then sub mix all the keyboard parts and record them as audio on the BR, burn them to CD and put them in the post to Mark for the guitar solo and Nick for the vox.

In essence that is how I produce music.  No magic.  What I think is magic is many people's ability to sit in the living room and sing and play. If I live to be 100 I will never produce a piece "LITLR", and many songcrafters do it on a daily basis.

I guess it's "horses for courses."

Thanks once again for induging us.



Excellent track again Paul & co... Prog rock on its best!! Nice tempo changes with superb guitar sounds and of course, the tune is soooo good! Like lg, I'm a fan too!!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Man - that was exciting! Love the choppy thrash of the guitars and how they contrast with the softer, ambient parts. And as for that stellar vocal and face-scorching guitar solo - we are not worthy! Lol. Immaculate in every respect. An absolutely top class listen. 


Powerful it .....with proper stand up  lead guitar to boot should be a theme song for a bond movie.......magic
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


What a nice surprise this was - a heavy rocking prog rocker, with excellent performances all round and truly  impressive production value!

I also appreciate the story of the song's inception and the thumbnail sketch of your production technique - invaluable stuff, and my thanks for it.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition

Kenny B

This is some awesome stuff!!!  Everything sounds fantastic!!!

WOW!!!  Nightcaller is one excellent singer!!!  ... NICE!!!!!!

Zoom MRS-1266
Boss Micro BR

Prog rock from the top of the tree. I would love to have seen your band live Paul although I really can't remember being in Edmonton. As always I want more...........Willie
Boss BR-800