question about reverb.

Started by rythmking24, December 26, 2008, 12:03:41 PM


yet another silly question, so here goes...

am i right in thinking that you have the option to set the reverb level on the guitar effects and also the track you are recording onto? if this is the case, then do you not get a kind of double reverb effect? do you need to have no reverb on one of them ( effect or track )???what is the best way to do it? i ask because i know that if you bounce tracks with reverb on, then when you listen to the bounced recording, you need to turn the reverb off completely to get a good sound.

i apologies if this is indeed a stupid question... i just want to know the best way to do things.


It's actually a very good question. All of the Micro BR's effects except for reverb are classified as Insert Effects. They are so named because you have the option of inserting the effects at various points in the signal path, depending on the selected Insert Mode (see pages 64 and 65 in the Micro BR manual). In "INPUT(NORMAL)" mode, the effects are inserted between the input (your guitar or mic, for example) and the track, so whatever you hear as you play your guitar or sing is recorded to the track. But reverb is a Loop Effect, not an Insert Effect. Loop effects are in the Send/Return loop of the mixer section between the level control and the output bus. Since this is located after the track, the reverb effect is heard in normal recording mode, but not recorded. However, in Bounce Mode and Mastering Mode, the mixer's output is routed back to the selected bounce or mastering destination tracks, so the reverb will be recorded in bounce or mastering mode.

So, the bottom line is that reverb will not be compounded as you described in normal recording mode because it isn't recorded at all. But if you use bounce mode multiple times, the reverb will compound, so you should set the reverb sends to zero on each bounce until the final bounce or mastering.

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