new tune "Kill the Messenger"

Started by Hook, August 16, 2011, 02:54:51 PM


Kill The Messenger
 Haven't posted in a while but I've been doing quite a bit of recording on my Br-900 & I'm contemplating upgrading to to the 1600. I just finished  my 2nd cd of kids music and I had to bounce alot of virtual tracks for mix down and feel I would really benefit from 16 tracks. Any suggestions, or thoughts? Hope you enjoy the tunes!

I don't know how to post them is that fancy scroll box but here they are. Glad you liked the tune. I should really give more credit to my buddy Aaron Miller he had a big hand in the writing of the music, the lyrics are mine.

"Kill The Messenger"

Oh to be just that guy
to sit in the back and soak it in
invisible to most eyes
here I am front & center again

 I've done this to myself
 I clear my throat to sing
 I've done this to myself
 as the crowd yells

       Kill the messenger
       there's no truth in what he says
       Kill the messenger
       Maybe they're right,
       maybe this messenger should die

Oh to turn back time
turn back time just to see
given the same choice
would I choose differently



As I struggle all
all my beliefs shake loose
I clear my throat to sing
and they tighten the noose


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Hi, another good one, great bass line. I use a BR900 as well but never go past 7 or 8 tracks so I don't really have a problem with bouncing. I'm sure someone on this site will be able to offer advice on the 1600.........Willie
Boss BR-800


Great song, Hook.  Love the bass playing.  Soulful but laidback vocal.  Reminds me a little of Robert Cray, perhaps?

I traded up to the BR1600 some years ago and I have to say - I love it.  My first digital recorder was a BR1180cd and - like you - I got a little tired of constant multiple bounces.  The real problem of course is that you have to make decisions on panning, effects, eq etc at the time of the first bounce, only to find two bounces later that the acoustic guitar should have been panned a little further right.  Then the tough decision - go back and do the bounces again or leave it and let it eat away at you forever.......

I bought the BR1600 and have never really regretted it and cannot recommend it enough.  If you have the need to use more tracks, but don't want to do the Protools, Cakewalk, Cubase thing on a computer, then it is a great option.

Bear a couple of things in mind though.  Firstly it's really a 14 track machine.  You have to keep a stereo pair free for mixing/mastering/ bouncing (unless you want to use some external device for this).  You still have more virtual tracks than you could possibly want though - 16 on each track I believe.

Also, 6 of the remaining 14 tracks are linked in stereo pairs.  Not a problem if you are recording stereo keys for example. 

8 simultaneous inputs, compression, delay reverb, eq all go together to make a useful recorder - assuming that you need these facilities.

Having said all that, lots of people on this site turn out incredible pieces of music using effectively four track recorders.  And I'm constantly in awe of them for doing so...

Hope this helps. If you have any specific questions about the 1600 just ask.  Several of us use it.



Thanks for the advice! That pretty much confirms all my reasoning for wanting to upgrade! I wish I could take credit for the bass playing but that was my buddy Aaron and yeah he's the bomb!!! Most of what I post is/will be just me tracking out everything out but on that one a few friends helped me out. Thanks for listening!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Farrell Jackson

Great bluesy number Hook! The bass player is getting a work out and he's doing it smoothly and tastefully. Good song and I like the hook line "Kill The Messenger".

I've heard nothing but good music produced with the Boss machines but I've never owned one so I can't speak directly about them. However I can talk about the benefits of having 16 tracks versus something less. I started with an 8 track Fostex machine and quickly grew tired of running out of tracks. Which required bouncing and then re-bouncing because I didn't get it just right the first time. So I upgraded to a 16 track Fostex machine and I've been happy with it for more than 10 years now. There are times when I still have to bounce but not very often. Once in a while I think 24 tracks would be nice but I seem to do fine with the 16. The extra tracks do make recording life easier.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

Kenny B

Nice tune!  This has a really tasteful relaxing soulful feel to it.
I'm really diggin this one ... very very nice!

Kenny B.
Zoom MRS-1266
Boss Micro BR

Glenn Mitchell

I particularly like the message, the bass and the right side comping tone.
Re extra trax, I went from 12 (Korg1200) to the MBR (4 trax) to the BR800.
My main problem with the 12 trax was I tended to use them all and my stuff got overcomplicated.
It may just be personal but I'm happy to have the limited tracks as a reminder to keep it simple.
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Cakewalk Sonar platinum


great song and very pro sounding any chance of posting the lyrics
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Yeah , i like this a lot , got a real retro feel to it

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


great vocal as always loving that bass and those lyrics ....another for the iPod
If Life is a dream then use your imagination