"Slave to Nature / Escape" a FuzzFace spoken word original

Started by FuzzFace, July 20, 2011, 06:05:33 AM


04 SlaveToNature(Escape)
For those who are following this, my previous spoken word posts were using text I wrote in the past.  Some of your comments made me wonder if I can still write like that.  So I tried yesterday, and this is the result.

"Slave to Nature / Escape"

Dear sculptors of conscious thought,
Dear dagger-tongued pacifists,
Dear kittens-in-mittens,

Just because I've grown accustomed
to your presence in the mirrors
does not imply that you are welcome.

Are the stars concerned they are misread?

My broken spirit is not apathy;
Nor does my defeatism mean defeat.
When weak one acts strong
and when strong weak.

A man is redeemed the day
that he treads in his own way
otherwise he only knows
the toll that he must to pay.

I am not a man;  I am a force.

Dear captains and captives,

You mutually obey
the inescapable interplay
of your respective gravities.

The reverberations
of your amplified silence crash
as waves
upon which floats my raft
where I lay
and gaze
at the misunderstood stars

There are no mirrors here.

I have no name.

* * *

The series (in progress) can be heard in it's entirety here:

Thanks for listening!
--- FuzzFace


this is true originality. totally hypnotic and downloaded. thanks.


I love your posts just lately , and i must say , a great recording , i would have loved it to kinda open up into a full blown song though , you paved the way for that to happen


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


Quote from: facemask93 on July 20, 2011, 12:52:42 PMi would have loved it to kinda open up into a full blown song though , you paved the way for that to happen

Hmmm.... I am working on the next in the series tonight.  I could possibly take your suggestion, breaking into a more song-like structure... I'll see how it goes.


HI , AS usual up to your  high standards of song writing
and unique style. great job best regards NEIL


Love this. Love this sort of stuff. Keep 'em coming...

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR