Micro BR-80

Started by cuthbert, July 11, 2011, 04:54:59 PM


Cool! So what do i do? How to load it? Same way as 1.04 maybe?
Boss BR-80


Quote from: Gnasty on June 04, 2012, 05:44:47 PMCool! So what do i do? How to load it? Same way as 1.04 maybe?

I would imagine that the update procedure for version 1.05 would be the same as that of version 1.04. For what it's worth, here's the Google translation of the German instructions file:

Mirco BR-80 update

Please note:

Use the enclosed data is at your own risk.
The company Roland Electronic musical instruments HmbH is no
Respect for any loss, damage or malfunction,
caused by use of the corresponding files, responsible
to make. Please note this beigefuegte text file accurately,
to achieve the DESIRED success using the data.

Electronic Musical Instruments
Oststrasse 96
22844 Norderstedt

Version Info

To find out which version is implemented in your Micro BR-80,
Please proceed as follows:

First Turn off the BR-80.
Second Turn off the BR-80 again. Shortly after the turn before
   The BR-80 is ready, is the bottom of the screen after "Ver" the
   Version displayed.

BR-80 update instructions

For the update, you need a PC / Mac with USB port, a
BR-80 tested on memory card with 5MB of free space and
a PSA adapter or entirely new ones. During the update
Operation of a power outage may not otherwise could the BR-80
irrevocable damage suffered!
By updating all internal data is deleted, so
It makes sense, before the update back up the data on your
Computer to make.

Use this update data for any other ISDN device ever!

Below is a "BR-80 EBAND" drive the speech. Some
Windows machine instead show "Wechseldatentraeger" to. Replace
In the case always, "BR-80 EBAND drive" through "Wechseldatentraeger".

Preparing to update data on the computer

First Unzip the update with an appropriate program for
   Extract from Zip_Archiven (eg using the "Extract to ..."
   with current Windows systems).
   This creates a folder with subfolders "BR80_Update".
   This folder contains four files "_BOOTPRG.ES_"
   "_BR80PRG.BR_", "_BR80SND.BR_" And "_UPDINFO.BR_".

USB Storage Mode

Second Connect the BR-80 over your computer with a USB cable.
Third Turn off the BR-80.
4th Podcast the button [MENU].
5th Podcast as often as you CURSOR [>] or [<] is highlighted by the "FUNCTION".
6th Podcast [ENTER].
7th Podcast as often as you CURSOR [>] or [<], is marked by "USB."
8th Podcast [ENTER].
9th Turn the dial to select the USB mode "STORAGE" field.
10th It appears "Please restart to change USB mode [EXIT]: CANCEL
    [ENTER]. OK "Press [ENTER] for the setting
    effectively and return to the main screen is displayed.

Secure your own settings (User backup):
-------------------------------------------------- ----

11th Turn off the BR-80 is an out and back, so
    that in the BR-80 display "USB STORAGE idling ..." is displayed.
    The computer will show a new drive to "BR-80 EBAND" to.
12th Now drag the entire "ROLAND" folder from the
    BR-80 EBAND drive on your desktop (or into a new
    Folder on the hard drive) on your computer.
    Important: Do not use the included Alteration and folder structure
    no file name in the Roland folder, otherwise the backup

About wearing the update files to the BR-80

13th Copy the four files from the update-BR80_Update
    Folder (the files "_BOOTPRG.ES_", "_BR80PRG.BR_"
    "_BR80SND.BR_" And "_UPDINFO.BR_", not the folder!) Of
    Step 1 to the root directory of the BR-80 EBAND drive
    (Ie in addition to, NOT the Roland folder).
14th Wait after copying a few seconds (so that
    everything has been copied) and then disconnect the
    Data connection to the computer (in Windows with the hardware
    Remove icon in the taskbar, in Mac by the
    Drive to eject draws).
15th Turn off the BR-80, and disconnect the USB cable.

The update procedure on BR-80

16th Keep pressured down both the [STOP] and [REC] together
    and turn on the BR-80 this one. Hold the button several
    long pressured to the top of the display "SYSTEM UPDATER" appears.
17th In the second line behind "version" of the left
    current version and the right the new version.
    It will ask "Update System".
18th ! From now on, may for about 2 - 3 minutes is not of a power outage!
    Podcast [ENTER]. The display shows shortly "Now Loading"
    then "Now Writing" and a number of points, which by and by to "o"
    be. Later, the sum will be calculated and flashes at the end
19th Wait necessarily down until the display shows "COMPLETE!" flashes.
    Then switch to the BR-80.
    In principle, the update is complete, you can the BR-80
    normal (not pressured button!) back on.

Removing the update files from the BR-80 card

20th Connect BR-80 and your computer with the USB cable, so that
    the display shows "USB STORAGE idling ..." is displayed and on the
    Computer drive "BR-80 EBAND" appears.
21st Double-click the drive icon, so that the data
    are shown.
22nd Delete the four files "_BOOTPRG.ES_", "_BR80PRG.BR_"
    "_BR80SND.BR_" And "_BR80SND.BR_" BR-80 from the drive.
Restoring a backup of all previously stored data
-------------------------------------------------- ---------

23rd To restore your data, you now also delete the
    Roland folder on the BR-80 EBAND drive. Copy then
    the "ROLAND" folder on the BR-80 EBAND drive you to
    Step 12 on your desktop or another folder on your
    Had pulled hard disk as a backup.
24th Wait after copying a few seconds (so that
    everything has been copied) and then disconnect the
    Data connection to the computer (in Windows with the hardware
    Remove icon in the taskbar, in Mac by the
    Drive to eject draws).
25th Turn off the BR-80, and disconnect the USB cable.

If you want to use the BR-80 again as an audio interface,
lead you from steps 2 to 10 and set at step 9
instead of "STORAGE" to "AUDIO" field.

The update is so completely and your data is restored.

Good luck.

I'm also attaching it to this message as a plain text file in case anyone wants to print it.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Okay i`ll have a go at it here in a bit and tell you the results!  :)

Thanks 64 and Yer!
Boss BR-80


I have all systems go!  version 1.05  ;D

Now what are all the bug fixings? I find it very sad for me not to be able to read my background language  :(
Boss BR-80


Quote from: Gnasty on June 04, 2012, 06:38:37 PMI have all systems go!  version 1.05  ;D

Congratulations. Looks like you're the first here. Let us know if you notice anything different about it, although I doubt that you will. It's probably just minor bug fixes and the usual improvements in SD card compatibility. But we won't know for sure until Roland posts a list of changes for v1.05. I hope they'll do that soon.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


I`m testing now and your right! Notice nothing significant yet. Might take a bit.
Boss BR-80


Well the first thing i checked obviously was bouncing effects and it`s still a no! >:(
Boss BR-80


Well i posted here last night thinking my wav convertor was screwed from the update and erased it cuz it seems when i bounce my tracks on the br-80 and convert them they are all way off timing all over the place. So what i did was i mastered with no effects and they wind up fine in DAW and the original recordings are fine in DAW too. Just not the bounced ones. ???

I never had this happen before the update. I`m not particularly pleased. Does anyone else have this problem?

I`m too busy to mess with it right now to see if its me doing anything different but i`m positive i`m not.

And yes i did update with the original SD card too.
Boss BR-80


Ok so last night I tested by bouncing tracks and exporting wavs in a different song and there was no problem... Phew! I can't understand why it's happening in that one song. It's never happened to me before, thats why i thought it was the update, but nevertheless I'm glad everything is okay for now!
Boss BR-80


Backup the song (or the whole card) then Optimize the song (page 88).

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig