Micro BR-80

Started by cuthbert, July 11, 2011, 04:54:59 PM


on my mbr i plug my juno keyboard into the line in, select line in as input and hit record straight to two tracks no need to pan, change input levels or anything, so when inspiration strikes i can get going  right away, the problem with the mbr is using two tracks at a time means quite quickly you are going to need lots of bounces.

so 8 tracks is a big deal to me but i at least expect to plug my keys in, select input and start recording without much hassle, the beauty of the mbr is you switch it on and go, so i at least expect the br80 to be similar if not quicker to use, so i hope that any  difficulties folk are having wit the new br80 is just the learning curve involved in getting to grips with a new piece of kit.

could someone please confirm that they can connect a keyboard (or any stereo instrument) via the line in and record with little or no hassle cos that's the dealbreaker for me.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Tony W

Jim, I'll run my testing tonight. I got caught up after work last evening and didn't complete it. I'm in the same camp as 64Guitars, I don't think that there's a deal breaker on the BR 80 anywhere, yes there are inconveniences, but not deal breakers.

Here's the main thing to keep in mind:

If you're considering purchasing the BR-80 and expect it to be a direct replacement for the MBR, you're making a conceptual mistake. This is a new product with a shitload more features, and as such the entire device operation has changed. You are not going to turn on a BR-80 and pick up where you left off on the MBR. You will have to learn the device. You will find absolutely awesome features, and you will find navigation to be difficult.

The more I use it, the more it grows on me. I feel badly that I've not spent more time truly learning how to use it instead of bringing up points that annoy me. I swear I'll post LINE IN results tonight.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


thanks tony, initially my intention was not unlike yours to upgrade to the br80 and give my old mbr to one of my muso friends, but i love my mbr and its fantastic to sing into, not sure if i want to bash and handle a br80 the way my faithful old mbr has been manhandled lol.

i had a wee go on geirs br800 and i think there are a lot of similarities so i expect there to be a learning curve, so hopefully they will compliment eaxh other.

cheers tony.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


I have been following this with great interest, the 80 does look the business but I have been spending
a hell of a lot of time with the original and it gets better, yes it has only 4 tracks and 8 would be cool.
Bouncing is a bit of a pain but then I don't need to, most of the time.

 Lately I have not recorded much but, instead I have delved deeper into the MBR, I have learned about the drums
 cheers Geir 8), I have found settings I never new existed and all sorts of other cool stuff too. So for me, the new one will have to wait and the bugs? sorted. The price, well £200 is not bad for the new edition I can live with that.
Of course in 6 months it may come down, but for now I will stick, I will keep my eye on your appraisal and findings.
Sweet young thing aint sweet no more.


Jim and all:

I just did a test, and confirmed that the line input on the BR-80 works perfectly with a line-level signal (I tested the output of my computer audio card, playing a soft synth) - there was no signal degradation of any kind. I also tried it with the line-level output of a standalone keyboard (Micromoog), and found the same results - again, no signal degradation.

Not sure what the problem might be that some others are hearing - input impedance or level mismatch, maybe? I've done some acoustic recording on the BR-80, too - and I haven't run across any degradation problems after bouncing or mastering. One thing you may want to check is if you are recording from the 1/4 inch Guitar Input, that the switch on the back of the recorder is indeed set to Guitar and not Mic - when Mic is selected, all the effects sound screechy with a guitar plugged in - classic level mismatch.

N.B.: Hadn't given it much thought before, but it's actually nice that it is possible record from both the microphones and line input simultaneously - just mix in the microphones using the Rec Level pot (if the level is set to zero, it's all line-input; if you turn it up you get a mix of both the line input and the built-in mics).
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


Quote from: cuthbert on October 07, 2011, 02:05:14 PMN.B.: Hadn't given it much thought before, but it's actually nice that it is possible record from both the microphones and line input simultaneously - just mix in the microphones using the Rec Level pot (if the level is set to zero, it's all line-input; if you turn it up you get a mix of both the line input and the built-in mics).
Thats the goods right there, I think that was the idea behind it.  I can go with my electric guitar through an effects processor (like a pod or my adrenalinn pedal) into line in and sing into the mics.  Or acoustic into a processor or pre-amp, and into line in, and use the mics simultaneously.  I like this concept a lot.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


QuoteN.B.: Hadn't given it much thought before, but it's actually nice that it is possible record from both the microphones and line input simultaneously - just mix in the microphones using the Rec Level pot (if the level is set to zero, it's all line-input; if you turn it up you get a mix of both the line input and the built-in mics).
mr green is gonna be very very happy at that.

i'm sold letter sent to santa the nite
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


So I finally got my friends visiting from the UK to bring me a BR-80 to Brasil........ would you believe they are still selling the original micro BR here at around 799 reals - 430 usd even with the real dropping 20% gainst the $ in the last month - don't get me started on buying equipment here........ :-(

Anyway - great little box. Sounds good & finding my way round it. Bought a tech 21 GT2 to go with it, but actually very pleasantly surprised by the guitar sounds.

So, a few questions about the built in rhythms............

1) if I goto rhythm in MTR mode, I have to press 'stop' before I can change the rhythm preset or the tempo - is there a way around this. I like to get an idea, find a beat & adjust the tempo. To press stop to make any changes is a pain in the ass!

2) there are rhythm loops in the e-band menu - are these the same as some of the patterns that show in the MTR  rhythm area, or different?

3) does anyone have a list of the rhythm patches, in the same way there is a list of the guitar patches - or do I have to keep looking at all 300ish of them to remember where they are :-(

Thanks in advance & look forward to posting some results soon!


Tony W

Line in Testing:

This surprised me
The top is the BR-80
The bottom is the Micro BR

The test was with the keyboard, no changes made to it between tests. I was a bit inconsistent with key pressure, but not as much as the results dictate. Like Cuthbert said, I didn't hear any degradation of signal between the two devices. Obviously I left plenty of headroom though.

If anyone wants a bit more consistent results, I can bang away on the keys instead of Pachalbel's Canon softly.

I'm not posting the audio samples because they are shit, unless somebody really wants to hear it.

ONE more point of interest. As most of you know, I gave away my MBR, but alas it returned a week ago. I turned it on for the first time in months, and could barely operate it. Navigation was a bitch without the thumb wheel. I couldn't find shit.... including how to change modes.... I love my BR-80!

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Quote from: Tony W on October 07, 2011, 09:11:13 PMLine in Testing:

This surprised me
The top is the BR-80
The bottom is the Micro BR

The test was with the keyboard, no changes made to it between tests. I was a bit inconsistent with key pressure, but not as much as the results dictate. Like Cuthbert said, I didn't hear any degradation of signal between the two devices. Obviously I left plenty of headroom though.

If anyone wants a bit more consistent results, I can bang away on the keys instead of Pachalbel's Canon softly.

I'm not posting the audio samples because they are shit, unless somebody really wants to hear it.

ONE more point of interest. As most of you know, I gave away my MBR, but alas it returned a week ago. I turned it on for the first time in months, and could barely operate it. Navigation was a bitch without the thumb wheel. I couldn't find shit.... including how to change modes.... I love my BR-80!

Thanks for the Audacity levels Tony. I thought there was a difference in levels.

Note : When it comes to me mic ing my amp with the 1/4 inch mic adaptor put up against the line-in with the Mbr the br-80 levels are way better. They either do it on purpose or somebody screwed up in that line-in department.

Boss BR-80