Micro BR-80

Started by cuthbert, July 11, 2011, 04:54:59 PM


Quote from: godinqc on September 04, 2011, 06:01:43 PM1) How can I Master the  song output in .MP3 format instead of .WAV, with the old MBR you could choose the Mastering output format , I did not see this with the MBR-80

The BR-80 cannot create MP3s directly in MTR mode. None of the BRs can except the original Micro BR. So what you need to do is load the WAV file into DAW software such as SONAR or Audacity and export to MP3 from there.

Quote2) How can I phase out the end of a song using the MBR-80

"phase out"?   I'll assume you meant fade out (gradually reducing the level to minimum).

It might be possible to do this in bounce mode or mastering mode but I can't tell for sure based only on the manual. Maybe someone who actually has a BR-80 can tell us.

But that doesn't really matter because the best way to fade out (or fade in) is with a DAW. It lets you see the waveform and precisely mark where you want the fade to begin and end, and it gives you a much smoother fade than you could ever achieve manually.

Since you need to load your WAV file into a DAW anyway for conversion to MP3, you might as well do your fades there too. It's easy once you've done it a couple of times.

And there are other things you can do in the DAW to finish your song. You can trim any unwanted blank space, count-in, or noise from the ends of your song. And you can optimize the overall level of your song if it's a bit low.

So, the lack of MP3 output in the BR-80's MTR mode isn't necessarily a bad thing since a DAW is the ideal tool for putting these finishing touches on your song. After you've finished trimming, fading, and optimizing the levels of your WAV file in the DAW, you can export it to MP3 format.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


OK thanks 64Guitars

 :'( It`s too bad cause I really liked the fact that you could Master into an .MP3 format with the old MBR .. it`s unfortunate that they did not keep this feature

Thanks again
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800


From my perspective, I don't need the editing features at all, except for basic recording of a live performance - a DAW is SO much easier and more time-effective than trying to do it on a dinky piece of hardware with a tiny LCD screen.

So my use is for a unit to provide quality effects and allow me to provide my own backing tracks.  I have been pleasantly surprised by the eBand feature in the BR-80, and find I don't need the MIDI after all, since I can set my tempo close when I export the file, with only minor adjustments when performing (with the BR-800 I can get the performance exact, but am limited in the voices for drum kits - and again, it is MUCH easier to produce performing loops in (e.g.) Ableton Live and import them.

The BR-80 would be perfect if it had a form factor that allowed for tweaking the basic parameters with knobs in a control surface - e.g., input/output, tempo, gain, drive, bass, mid, treble - I find it is practically impossible to adjust these levels (especially i/0) in live performance.  And it would be fantastic to be able to set different outputs for the rhythm and guitar, as in the BR-800.

(If only the BR-800 had eBand and buttons (and a few more knobs)...

If the Zoom G3 had eBand, it would be just perfect.....
(the effects in that unit are awesome - the best I've heard to date in any mfx)...

Of course, my performance configuration is different; I need a tabletop unit, since I am generally sitting next to a table that supports my performance equipment.  The BR-80 would be perfect, if it only weren't so small - it is just extremely difficult to tweak important parameters in performance (under pressure in the heat of battle).  .......

Oh well, maybe next NAMM...........

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


Hi folks, new here.
Just got a BR 80 and wish I'd found you before I got it.
The bits that work, work fine, so I'm gonna hang onto it.
I've quite a few issues but i'll wait to post until I'm sure it's not user error.

For now, heres a workarounds for the 3/4 time sig bug.

The trick is write the file while your DAW is running at 4/4, and where it falls on the 1 again, make that the loop.
ie:- 12 bars of 3/4. (attached)
Import the smf and it will repeat fine.
Also, if you want the display to follow the smf, insert a bar of 3/4 metronome at the beginning of the song in the BR80.


EDITED to attach midi file of 3/4 12 bars
Boss BR-80


Quote from: simont on September 16, 2011, 11:37:55 AMFor now, heres a workarounds for the 3/4 time sig bug.

The trick is write the file while your DAW is running at 4/4, and where it falls on the 1 again, make that the loop.
ie:- 12 bars of 3/4. (attached)
Import the smf and it will repeat fine.
Also, if you want the display to follow the smf, insert a bar of 3/4 metronome at the beginning of the song in the BR80.


EDITED to attach midi file of 3/4 12 bars

Thanks for posting this, Simon! I'm going to give it a try soon.

Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


It gets better. :)
 After some more tests, once you insert a bar of metronome at the correct TIME SIG, at the beginning of the BR song , you can in fact use patterns created in your DAW at that TIME SIG and the measure display will also follow.
The pattern must be the the full length of the song though.
The other scenario I posted above comes into play if you are trying to arrange shorter patterns into a song in the BR 80.

If that all makes sense..... ?? :-\

Boss BR-80


Well, what a cool little box. I love it.  ;D
Really easy to use.
Having input sensitivity is a huge plus.
I found the COSM's need quite a bit of tweaking but with patience they are great. The acoustic sim is particularly good.

eBand overdubs- for quick sketchpad, hit play, then record on the song you've just done and you're instantly over-dubbing to that file. Layer to taste. :)

Midi over usb- really handy for writing and checking your DAW midi files with the various kits before the hassle of switching USB modes.

BR80 remembers the different input sens settings for internal mics, and guitar in and mic IN.

Import into MTR from wherever you want.

roll eyes!!  ::) ::)

-  No song name display in MTR Mode.
-  No Stand adapter fitting.
- "Crash" at the beginning of nearly all the drum patterns.  ::)
-  You cannot import mono file to eBand.
-  No COSM on recorded tracks.
-  Reverb defaults to ON
-  No COSM on line input
-  Should auto create new song in MTR mode.
-  I keep forgetting to select the next track in MTR mode.
It should default to next track/mono when you hit record.

I find my BR80 live mics definitely favour the left but not really an issue.

EDIT. Oh yeah, and the 3 bugs.

1.The BR80 gives a 'drive busy error' on many SD/SDHC cards when recording in 'LIVE' and 'eBand' modes. Mtr mode is fine on all cards.

2. Importing SMF's in time signatures other than 4/4 does not work properly.
 The time signature cannot be changed to other time signatures such as 3/4 when creating a multi-track recording.

3. Exporting 'USER' songs from the eBand Song list Editor does not work. A 'Failed to Export' message occurs every time.

Boss BR-80


Nice review, simont! Thanks for posting it.

Couple of comments/questions:

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  Reverb defaults to ON

Actually, this one is a feature that's also present on the Micro BR (and maybe other BR models, too?) - the reverb is essentially a reverb send, and whatever it is set to is not printed to a track unless you bounce with the setting up.

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  No song name display in MTR Mode.

You can see the name of the song if you go to Menu > Song > Song Info. The Micro BR has similar functionality, so I assume that this also may be common in the BR series of recorders..

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  Should auto create new song in MTR mode.

Not sure what you meant here - that the recorder should automatically create a new song every time you go into MTR mode? Or did you mean create a new song the first time you ever enter to MTR mode? Or something else?

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  I keep forgetting to select the next track in MTR mode.

Did you mean automatically select the next track to record on? Or something else?
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


Hi cuthbert. Dont know how to do multi quotes (tooo lazy to learn  ;) ) so I'll answer you in red.

Quote from: cuthbert on September 27, 2011, 11:09:11 AMNice review, simont! Thanks for posting it.

Couple of comments/questions:

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  Reverb defaults to ON

Actually, this one is a feature that's also present on the Micro BR (and maybe other BR models, too?) - the reverb is essentially a reverb send, and whatever it is set to is not printed to a track unless you bounce with the setting up.

Yeah, I just mean each new song has reverb send at 30 on the input and each track.I'd prefer to start with everything flat. Little thing really.

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  No song name display in MTR Mode.

You can see the name of the song if you go to Menu > Song > Song Info. The Micro BR has similar functionality, so I assume that this also may be common in the BR series of recorders..

when you go into MTR the song name should be on screen as it is in the other modes.

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  Should auto create new song in MTR mode.

Not sure what you meant here - that the recorder should automatically create a new song every time you go into MTR mode? Or did you mean create a new song the first time you ever enter to MTR mode? Or something else?

First time you enter MTR mode the recorder should automatically create a new song. On subsequent times it should offer to create a new song or ask/tell which one you're on.

Quote from: simont on September 27, 2011, 09:26:07 AM-  I keep forgetting to select the next track in MTR mode.

Did you mean automatically select the next track to record on? Or something else?

Yeah, automatically select and arm the next track when you hit the record button. I keep recording over the track I've just done. Mono would be better in a multitrack environment. Again, out of laziness to learn the procedure.

I do really like it though. It's a wish list rather than moans.
I reckon the ENTER button will be the first thing to go. ;D

How do find the USER export from eband app?
I contacted Roland and have yet to hear from them, but if it is a bug, the more confirmations the better.

Boss BR-80

hi cuthbert

oh yes, the SMF import thing is boring - maybe they play only 4/4 in japan :)

exporting from user songs with e-band songlist editor is not possible (failed to export message) - i think it must be a bug and not a feature