Micro BR-80

Started by cuthbert, July 11, 2011, 04:54:59 PM



I'm new here, but just about to buy one of these - been through and read the manual, but couple of quick questions on things I'd like to check if anyone can help:

1) Can I use insert effects on the 1/8 line in jack?

2) Want to double check I can import and export individual tracks in MTR mode to / from a DAW - the intention is to track here and then import tracks for mixing & mastering. Also be able to import audio tracks of drums from DAW (not importing SMF)

3) I know someone here asked about tracking dry whilst using the insert effects for monitoring & know this can't be done, but, can you use a send return reverb effect for monitoring and record dry?

4) Has anyone tried this as an audio i'face for guitar / bass / mics direct to DAW yet? If so does it work ok? I ask because I have a zoom h4 that is also supposed to do this but never works properly - which I put down to zoom's crappy drivers.

Thanks in advance & I look forward to posting some songs when I am up and running.


Hi newi123,

Sorry, I've been away but I have some answers for your questions:

1. Yes, any input source can have effects applied to it.

2. Yes, you can do all of this with the BRWC software that comes with the BR-80.

3. Yes, that's how the reverb send works.

4. Yes, I've done this with Audacity with complete success, and am having a bit less success with Adobe Audition, but I haven't done any further troubleshooting with it yet. I also have Cubase Essentials, but haven't tried the interface with it yet.

Hope this helps,

Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


thanks Cuthbert,

Much appreciated!



I've been having this issue as well. I'll try a faster access card to see if that clears things up.

Quote from: Tony W on August 09, 2011, 10:25:14 AMIt's easy to tell when Dave's excited. The run on sentence structure is the key. Dave your energy is infectious!

The COSM effects, I wasn't sold on early, but I'm really really starting to like them.

I think I'm the only person with the "drive busy" errors in Live Rec mode. I'm going to swap back to the original SD card and see if it clears up.
Ken Kerrick
Roland Micro BR-80 User

I kept an eye on this thread, read what was being said, then jumped last week.  Man, this IS a sweet, SWEET little box:) I wasn't a fan of COSM before but the updated chip is really good.  eBand mode is a whole bunch of fun, totally addictive. I hooked it up to Reaper too, with zero issues.  I didn't actually record anything but was monitoring and playing/hearing ezdrummer samples, no sweat.  This was a big deal for me since I had real problems getting a Roland ua25ex interface working with my laptop. Recorded a rehersal with it and it worked really well.

If they get the time signature thing sorted with a s/w upgrade, it'll be damn near perfect. If small and really useful guitar gadgets are your thing, you have try this.

I think I'll be resting my SR1 for a while.

Cheers for tipping me over the edge:)

Boss BR-80

Hey guys! I recently bought the recorder and have been playing with it for some time. I saw this thread as the most active one right now about the Micro BR-80 so I decided to ask here:
In the manual it says that the eBand mode allows you to record your playing along with a backing track, but when I listen to the recording, I hear the backing track as well. I was wondering if there was a way I could listen to a backing track just like in eBand, but WITHOUT it recording on the record itself. What I mean is this: I have some songs that friends of mine wrote and recorded, but they are missing bass, which they asked me to add (I'm a bassist). I want to be able to record a bass part for that song, without the song being recorded as well. Kinda like auxiliary I guess. The only solution I have found for this so far is to record the track, without me playing, then IMPORT it to the MTR. The thing is, whenever I import it, the quality degrades so much it hurts!
I hope someone could help me with this problem, this is a really important feature that I need to be able to use when I use the BR. To record my instrument and have a song in the background.
Thanks in advance


Quote from: Rhamahkil on August 23, 2011, 11:24:21 PMThe thing is, whenever I import it, the quality degrades so much it hurts!
I'm curious what you mean by that?
In what way is the quality degrading?

Quote from: Rhamahkil on August 23, 2011, 11:24:21 PMI have some songs that friends of mine wrote and recorded, but they are missing bass, which they asked me to add (I'm a bassist). I want to be able to record a bass part for that song, without the song being recorded as well.
I would not use the eBand mode for this at all and go straight into MTR and import the song of your friend using the BRWC software that comes with the BR-80.
If you're finished you can use the same utility again to export it to your computer and send the seperate files to your friend or use them in your DAW (f.e. Sonar which also comes with the BR-80).
What you descripe is typical something you would do with a multitrack machine and therefore the multitrack mode is the most appropriate for such a task..

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Zoom HD16
Zoom R16

Quote from: Henky on August 24, 2011, 06:12:10 AM
Quote from: Rhamahkil on August 23, 2011, 11:24:21 PMThe thing is, whenever I import it, the quality degrades so much it hurts!
I'm curious what you mean by that?
In what way is the quality degrading?

Quote from: Rhamahkil on August 23, 2011, 11:24:21 PMI have some songs that friends of mine wrote and recorded, but they are missing bass, which they asked me to add (I'm a bassist). I want to be able to record a bass part for that song, without the song being recorded as well.
I would not use the eBand mode for this at all and go straight into MTR and import the song of your friend using the BRWC software that comes with the BR-80.
If you're finished you can use the same utility again to export it to your computer and send the seperate files to your friend or use them in your DAW (f.e. Sonar which also comes with the BR-80).
What you descripe is typical something you would do with a multitrack machine and therefore the multitrack mode is the most appropriate for such a task..

So I have to use a computer program? What if I'm no where near a computer? I can't do it with the recorder alone?

And about that quality thing, in MTR mode you have the option to import a .wav file of the same name as the MTR song into a track. That option is located in MENU-->TRACK EDIT-->IMPORT. Thing is, it doesn't import it perfectly. I tried to import from both eBand and LIVE REC, and neither of them sounded as good the recording itself.

Hello again,
Was wondering if anyone could tell me the easiest/quickest way to create a midi file to make my own patterns and import into the BR80?  Totally not getting Sonar...and no previous experience in DAW recording. Is anyone aware of a midi file creation program thingy or am I being ridiculously simplistic.  Tried really hard with the bundled sonar program, followed the tutorials but didn't even get past importing the demo audio...followed the instructions to the letter and couldn't find the blighter anywhere...two hours of frustration and I threw in the towel...


Quote from: nowheremancy on August 24, 2011, 07:37:46 AMWas wondering if anyone could tell me the easiest/quickest way to create a midi file to make my own patterns and import into the BR80?

Try Hydrogen. It's free and since it only does drums, it's easier to learn than most DAWs.


And it can export directly to a midi file.

Binaries available for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig