Micro BR-80

Started by cuthbert, July 11, 2011, 04:54:59 PM


I haven`t gotten to the vocals and effects part or a lot on this br-80 but from what i read i don`t like that part.

I have recorded in MTR mode and i must say to record a track and to hit stop and not have to wait more than half a second for it to save it compared to the mbr`s 2-3 seconds makes me really happy and not as drunk as quick always taking a drink waiting.  ;) That in itself makes it worth it to me. The 8 tracks really make it faster to throw a song and ideas down too.

I still am miffed about when i use a patch and have to turn the recording input down to almost nothing. Am i doing something wrong? Should i put input up all the way and sensitivity down for a better recording. In time i`ll figure that out. I love how much louder it is too for this wannabe almost deaf rockstar.

I just started playing with the drums but i already know its gonna be a lot easier and faster with the cogwheel to edit the drum rhythms but they still are the same old drums. I hope they do a firmware and update to more time signatures.

I know i`m not really helping with info but what i`m trying to say is it`s a better buy if you have no patience like ME!
Boss BR-80


i´m from austria (linz) and new in this beautiful forum and have the br-80 (with a pair genelec 6010a) since yesterday

the br-80 is a nice machine and in the short time i could not test all, but it´s nice to jam with it - songlist editor (first i was loading some songs to test the sound) is a good thing - without extra driver, thats not bad - buuuut

the time signature thing (only 4/4) is more than poor - i know some german words for that, but the first post. . . . . :)

so i ask you dear boss engineer - what kind of music do you hear? - only stuff in 4/4?

okay, i would not say it´s a dealbreaker (not a hard one), but it´s not really musical and they have to fix it - it does´nt make sense that we can load smf files without the correct time signature - believe me, dear engineer

best wishes to all



Quote from: Gnasty on August 03, 2011, 07:05:33 PMI still am miffed about when i use a patch and have to turn the recording input down to almost nothing. Am i doing something wrong? Should i put input up all the way and sensitivity down for a better recording.

The rule for setting optimum record levels is the same for all recorders and it is quite simple. Adjust each level in the signal path for the highest possible level without clipping. It's very important to set the levels in the order of signal flow. On the BR-80, the signal flow in MTR mode is like this:

Input Sens ----> Effects----> Record Level

So, always set the Input Sensitivity first. Turn it up as high as possible without making the word "PEAK" appear in the display. If "PEAK" appears, reduce the Input Sensitivity slightly until it no longer appears. Next, select the desired effects and adjust their settings if desired. When you're happy with the effects, adjust the Record Level as high as possible without making the top segment of the IN level meter light.

Each level affects all of the levels that come after it in the signal flow. So, for example, if you set all of your levels correctly then decide to make a change to the effects, you must check the record level again and make any necessary adjustments. Likewise, if you make a change to the Input Sensitivity then you must re-adjust yor record level.

To avoid clipping, it's usually a good idea to set your levels just slightly lower than optimum. For example, after you've set the Input Sensitivity so that the PEAK indicator doesn't light, reduce it just slightly further as a safety factor. Do the same when setting the record level. Set it as high as possible without lighting the top segment of the IN meter, then reduce it just slightly further.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Quote from: 64Guitars on August 03, 2011, 09:14:30 PMThe rule for setting optimum record levels is the same for all recorders and it is quite simple. Adjust each level in the signal path for the highest possible level without clipping.

Great Post! A lot of people miss this. The fundamental reason is that any signal lost cannot be regained by boosting the signal later in the chain. Boosting the gain later just increases the noise floor. Compression and expanders can be applied but, at the cost of dynamics, which may be desired if they are all over the place, causing mix level issues. IMO compression/expansion is overused in modern recording to cover up poor source signal issues.

I compare it to photography. If you don't have a enough light at the time the photo is taken. The photo will look somewhat washed out, grainy or, limited in color pallet if, a lab or program compensates for the error later.
Ken Kerrick
Roland Micro BR-80 User


There's one thing i hate already: switching from the audio interface mode to storage mode while connected to a computer requires to reboot the device. Reminds me of the old Windows days when you had to reboot for nearly every configuration change...

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The Reverend 48

Quote from: KKerrick on August 03, 2011, 04:10:07 AMThe record level only affects the microphones or guitar line in and is not in the signal chain for the line in. So, setting it at 0 shuts the mic/guitar or internal microphones off leaving the line in on. I haven't found it upsetting to my workflow to just turn a dial to zero on the side of the thing. This is much easier than going into the menu and fiddling with some setting. I guess it would be slightly more optimal to have an on/off switch but I can move the dial from 100 to 0 in one thumb movement same as I would with a switch. I guess, given that this thing is a little bigger than a deck of cards, I would expect there to be some dual use for dials or switches and limitations in functionality.I'm a little dismayed that customer support did not just refer you to this in the first place as, I would expect them to read the manual as well.

I agree the second issue with internal mic monitoring is a bit clunky but, just not as you expected. It also is not documented explicitly. From what I can see Page 58 and 93 of the PDF manual implies that you need "standby" to monitor. At least you don't have to repeatedly enter and exit the "standby" mode to edit or change the effect. So, in the end you are complaining about one extra button press.

Ken I think you have missed the point a bit
First off as the BR-80 is clearly meant to be an upgrade to replace the MBR it is not unreasonable to expect all the functionality to be as good as the MBR.......
I believe that on the whole Roland have achieved this and in my opinion the BR-80 is a much improved platform
Which somehow makes the ommisions more annoying
If as with the MBR you can scroll through the Cosm effects whilst a recorded track is playing in guitar mode
Is it unreasonable to expect the same with the Cosm mic effects if the MBR can do it......

So the point is nothing to do with one extra button press.......


It sounds like Roland may have rushed this product to the market.
Are these issues correctable with a firmware update (hopefully in the works)?

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Quote from: The Reverend 48 on August 04, 2011, 08:36:52 AMFirst off as the BR-80 is clearly meant to be an upgrade to replace the MBR it is not unreasonable to expect all the functionality to be as good as the MBR.......

Quote from: guitarron on August 04, 2011, 08:46:07 AMIt sounds like Roland may have rushed this product to the market.

On the whole, I wouldn't say it was rushed to market.

The BR-80 is a different beast than the Micro BR. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, the BR-80 offers a lot more features than the Micro BR. In my opinion, the update the BR-80 needs most from Roland is a fix/enhancement of the SMF time signature bug/feature (everything defaults to 4/4 time, although the BR-80 supports other time signatures in its metronome).

I do agree it's not unreasonable to want some of the nice features from the Micro BR that are missing from the BR-80 updated via firmware, but in my usage, none of those missing features has been a deal-breaker.

Just my .02 dollar...your mileage may vary.
Boss Micro BR
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Tony W

Good point about the features Cuth. I agree, they are not a deal breaker, I still have the 80 :)

I love all the enhancements, but cannot come up with a logical reason as to why they would drop aspects which have already been in place and stood the test of time. It's not like they had to reinvent the wheel, they just needed to air brush those particular items.

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