Micro BR-80

Started by cuthbert, July 11, 2011, 04:54:59 PM


Quote from: Bossmgk on October 16, 2011, 01:53:27 AMOK simont, better then nothing  :) You are live Savior !
So, when you are here, to ask you - is it same when I'm on e-band mode, and want to change the song (loaded), only the wheel can change the song , but not the buttons left and right or up or down????? Is that so?
On the main eband screen you use the dial to scroll through the songs and they auto play.

You could use the song list button, highlight a song and press play instead of enter. Then use either the dial or the up/down buttons to select another song and press play again.
Boss BR-80


Hi guys!

Here is one more issue. I found that scrolling the songs is much slower on br 80 than micro br. Do you know some tips, to do it better? As I told you, I'm using it for live performances, and for 150 songs takes 30s to go from A to Z ! Micro br takes 10-11s. Turning the wheel don't help much :(
Worst is that I can't go from Z to, A overcoming the end of the list , as I can do on micro BR , instead have to go back all the way:(
 Any hidden functions that can help?
Faster SD card?  Anything?
Otherwise br 80 has so much cool functions !


Quote from: Bossmgk on October 17, 2011, 05:44:34 PMHi guys!

Here is one more issue. I found that scrolling the songs is much slower on br 80 than micro br. Do you know some tips, to do it better? As I told you, I'm using it for live performances, and for 150 songs takes 30s to go from A to Z ! Micro br takes 10-11s. Turning the wheel don't help much :(
Worst is that I can't go from Z to, A overcoming the end of the list , as I can do on micro BR , instead have to go back all the way:(
 Any hidden functions that can help?
Faster SD card?  Anything?
Otherwise br 80 has so much cool functions !

You could try registering your 30 favorite songs as a set list using the BEST 30 function.
Boss BR-80


Quote from: simont on October 18, 2011, 03:14:22 PMYou could try registering your 30 favorite songs as a set list using the BEST 30 function.
That gives me idea that I may also split my staff to few albums by category, so to scroll less songs at the time. And I wander if it's ok to delete PRESETS folder from SD card(I have back up) or maybe is better only presets songs album from the ALBUM  list, if it's possible!? Not to mess with my "albums" in the ALBUM mode.
I ask about deleting the folder from SD, because at the beginning was messing with the SD with my PC, and SD freezes BR 80. So I had to go to the shop and take another SD card with original content


By the way br 80 is perfect(almost) device for live performances . Record backing track for your songs(I'v been doing it so far on micro BR) , plug guitar , select song that comes with desired effect patch,(this is plus over micro br), and the song stops after the end ( also plus over micro br- were you should stop manually after the end ), using drums like drumsmachine from presets or from MTR mode if people want to sing song with you, making lists and folders  (also plus over micro br)
Only downside comparing with micro br is, that micro BR can convert inside , but with big SD card in br 80 you may use wav instead (I suppose you can end with WAV the recording in BR 80? I haven't record yet)


The big plus for me (for live performance) with the BR-80 is the combintation of guitar effect and e-Band for backing tracks.
I would like to see Boss make a performance system with effects and eBand, but a bit bigger for tabletop use, with separate (larger) knobs for guitar (i/o) and rhythm volume as well as tempo adjustment, and separate outputs for rhythm backing and guitar.  (Well, ok, a vocal input as well....) And USB input to a computer, with editor/librarian program ....

But only basic recording/mixing/editing capbability, since it adds needless complication to functions much better implemented in a DAW...........

(I had been using an iPaq for backing tracks, but the BR-80 is more efficient...)

Quote from: Bossmgk on October 18, 2011, 07:19:31 PMBy the way br 80 is perfect(almost) device for live performances . Record backing track for your songs(I'v been doing it so far on micro BR) , plug guitar , select song that comes with desired effect patch,(this is plus over micro br), and the song stops after the end ( also plus over micro br- were you should stop manually after the end ), using drums like drumsmachine from presets or from MTR mode if people want to sing song with you, making lists and folders  (also plus over micro br)
Only downside comparing with micro br is, that micro BR can convert inside , but with big SD card in br 80 you may use wav instead (I suppose you can end with WAV the recording in BR 80? I haven't record yet)

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80



Making the song list I found that one song did not take the alaphabetical palace! I've tryed everithing! Even I wrote number on each song ! The song stays on the same place with wrong number! Sometimes I move it on the right place , but when disconnect BR-80 the thing is same!

Is it possible this to be fixed


Quote from: Bossmgk on October 22, 2011, 12:49:15 PMPLEASE HELP!!

Making the song list I found that one song did not take the alaphabetical palace! I've tryed everithing! Even I wrote number on each song ! The song stays on the same place with wrong number! Sometimes I move it on the right place , but when disconnect BR-80 the thing is same!

Is it possible this to be fixed

Suggest you delete the file off your BR80, on your computer rename ALL the fields of the file to the required names and import again

Boss BR-80


Quote from: simont on October 22, 2011, 12:57:01 PMon your computer rename ALL the fields of the file to the required names and import again

What exactly you mean with "rename ALL the fields of the file to the required names" ? Is there something more I can do , then to simply rename the name of the file(mp3), on the computer? That's what I did only, when the file take the right place on the list, but after disconnect, again take the wrong place!
Thanks for the response!


Quote from: Bossmgk on October 22, 2011, 06:21:01 PM
Quote from: simont on October 22, 2011, 12:57:01 PMon your computer rename ALL the fields of the file to the required names and import again

What exactly you mean with "rename ALL the fields of the file to the required names" ? Is there something more I can do , then to simply rename the name of the file(mp3), on the computer? That's what I did only, when the file take the right place on the list, but after disconnect, again take the wrong place!
Thanks for the response!

The BR-80 does not organise by file name, but by the file attribute song name.
To check the file attributes before using eBand editor:-
 In Windows, right click on a song file and select 'properties', from there you can edit the attributes as required.
 In OXS, in iTunes, right click, select "get info' and from there you can edit the attributes as required.
Boss BR-80