when you know your song is good?

Started by kc2ine, July 07, 2011, 04:59:33 PM

suburban behemoth

Quote from: bruno on September 22, 2012, 12:59:09 AMI'm a great believer in pleasing yourself first, and if anyone else likes its, then its a bonus.  How do I know if a song is good? Well, if I think its good and I enjoying listening to it many times, and it make me smile and I'm proud of it - then that's a good song for me.

Sometime's you post something that you think is good, and get no reaction, zilcho. That doesn't mean it not a good song, just means your tastes don't align or people haven't given it a chance. Sometime great songs require many listens for you to realise that yo like them - sometime a song doesn't grab you immediately, On this site, with so many to listen it real hard to do that.

You can write to people's tastes, to produce instantly like-able songs - but I love the creative process, trying to produce something different or unique (now that is difficult).

So - to answer the question - how do YOU know that your song is good. The one phrase that spring to mind, was the singer in my old band - who said a good song is one that 'moved' people - not necessarily made them cry (which is included), but made them laugh, cry, be happy, be angry etc - and that is the best definition of a good song in my mind. If you think its good, then some else will also thinks it's good also - that may be one or many.

Will it be 'successful', now that is a different question :-)


Yes... what he said.
Boss BR-864


Quote from: suburban behemoth on September 23, 2012, 03:29:16 PM
Quote from: bruno on September 22, 2012, 12:59:09 AMI'm a great believer in pleasing yourself first, and if anyone else likes its, then its a bonus.  How do I know if a song is good? Well, if I think its good and I enjoying listening to it many times, and it make me smile and I'm proud of it - then that's a good song for me.

Sometime's you post something that you think is good, and get no reaction, zilcho. That doesn't mean it not a good song, just means your tastes don't align or people haven't given it a chance. Sometime great songs require many listens for you to realise that yo like them - sometime a song doesn't grab you immediately, On this site, with so many to listen it real hard to do that.

You can write to people's tastes, to produce instantly like-able songs - but I love the creative process, trying to produce something different or unique (now that is difficult).

So - to answer the question - how do YOU know that your song is good. The one phrase that spring to mind, was the singer in my old band - who said a good song is one that 'moved' people - not necessarily made them cry (which is included), but made them laugh, cry, be happy, be angry etc - and that is the best definition of a good song in my mind. If you think its good, then some else will also thinks it's good also - that may be one or many.

Will it be 'successful', now that is a different question :-)


Yes... what he said.

Yeah . . . what he said. (my holiday song Sex on the Beach actually made my friends pee their pants laughing and they are younger than me - sorry was that too much information!)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

Speed Demon

How do I know when a song is good?

People listen to it instead of putting my picture on a dartboard and aiming for the eyes.

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.

Mike Huntingford

It sucks b*lls when your wife doesn't like you music - as isn't her style of music... yet other do like your music.  Especially troubling when you want to increase your studio footprint too! LOL
Mike Huntingford



I often plug my phone into the car stereo and have it on random play. If one of my songs comes on, it is a boost to my ego. When my wife asks "who is that?" When I reply " oh that's one of mine" she always says " put something decent on" and she is not referring to my apparel.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Quote from: MikeHuntingford on October 22, 2016, 09:05:44 AMEspecially troubling when you want to increase your studio footprint!

Sex, sex, sex... Is that all you people ever talk about?