Forever ( Kenny B / Holdempok )

Started by Kenny B, June 28, 2011, 08:53:28 PM

Kenny B

Thanks everyone for all the great comments ...

Any constructive criticism is welcome.

I think I may have mixed it too trebly ... especially with the vocals.

Let me know what you think or if I'm just obsessing as usual ... :)

Thanks,  Kenny B.
Zoom MRS-1266
Boss Micro BR


I'll give it a good listen later on tonight with my good studio headphones.  Canada day festivities are calling ....

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


HI Kenny and co . really nice vibe agree with
all comments definately deserves a bump.. just
one note. sort of weird. but to me , the song brought
some TRAFFIC soundS  back to me with . but that s a
compliment..again very cool . regards NEIL


Great song Keeny, a bit of a Metallica feel as others have pointed out. It's got a really strong melody and the opposing guitars in the intro and quiet parts are absolutely superb, really effective. The vox are superb, great performance but that's what we expect from Holdempok.

The mix sounds pretty good on my studio monitors, vox are fine IMO. I think the guitar over the verses is quite thin and is giving a very trebly sound in that section but the rest sounds great. You might want to try fiddling with that a bit.

My only real criticism is the fade out - it;s far too quick and comes in at a point when you are enjoying a repeat of the chorus. You should let that section go longer and fade more slowly IMO, it feels really abrupt (and I wasn't bored, I wnated the song to cobntinue!).

Great song though, superb work.



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Kenny B

Thanks Nigel ... You're right ... I think the guitars and the high end of the keys
were throwing me off ... had to listen again.  Yes,  Mike's vocals are incredible as usual ...   :)
and the ending should have gone longer (It was actually shorter ...  :o) ... I may get
back to it when I have time and mess with that.

Thanks again to all for listening.

Kenny B.
Zoom MRS-1266
Boss Micro BR