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Sago Mine

Started by Pine, June 23, 2011, 09:22:22 AM


What a great tune, you cant beat a dobro and banjo when played like that! In parts I thought the vox was a little Neil Young...................I'll look out for more great posts!

Thanks ;)
Boss BR-800


You've reached a new height Charlie !!

This is my new favourite of yours for sure. A fabulous performance !

Perfect !! It's not only the Greeny towers that will have this one repeated !!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Pine this is a great homage to the workers of the Sago mines. I live about an hour and a half from where it happened.

It's a shame these men died because of corporate greed.

Great song!


Brilliant Pinedog, a wonderful song with fabulous instrumentation. Love the slide guitar and banjo, and a really emotional story. Great performance all round, very well done.

For me the vox get a little lost at times. You might want to try pulling down some of the acvcompanying instruments during the vocal sections or trying to get the vox to cut through a little more in the mix - they sound a little middly on my monitors, a bit more high end might help them cut through a bit more. But that's just minor tweaking, it's a great piece of work.




Les...thanks for taking time to listen and comment. I think it's hard for most folks not faliliar with West Viginia to really understand what it's like in those mining towns. The lifestyle..the history...the poverty and the desperation. It's better now than it was long ago but corporate greed still is a part of the picture. Always trying to cut corners and increase the price of the poor dirty miner.

hey Nigel...thanks so much for listening and for the critique. You hit on a rather shaky aspect of my recording. Not sure if you know but my hearing is going fast. When out in public, i have to wear digital hearing aids in both ears now (my wife wishes i'd wear them at home all the when i take them out, i can't hear hardly at all for about an hour. As a result, i know my mixes and production suffer. I need to mix with cans on...only way to really hear...but of course that tends to make you guess at where the bass should be. I also use/own no editing software, doing everyhting on my Boss BR1200. I am contemplating a program like Har-Bal, which is big on visual editing. Another problem on a song like this is that everything was done with live mics (except my bass) Internal recordings always seem to come out so much cleaner and clearer...but tuff to do that with a banjo and dobro. There is an inevitable ambience. My vocs are not strong on a good day...yet another issue. That's one reason why i ALWAYS post my folks don't have to struggle when they listen. All your points are valid and good suggestions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions. i value them.

Pine  8)
Boss BR-1200


really good song and really sounds like you mean it great atmosphere to this


Songcrafting at it's best. Love it, love it, love it...................Willie

Did I say I love it. W
Boss BR-800


oTD pine bump, great song brother, i remember that tragedy. Makes me think of Uncle Tupelo.

Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Not my usual Genre...

But hey...Great tune young man :)

Nice one
Nick G


OTD Bump,

I thought I had heard all your music Pine, Being a great favourite of mine,
But some how I have missed this little belter,
Really well done my friend....


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...