Minor board reorganization and Songcrafters' philosophy/direction.

Started by 64Guitars, June 15, 2011, 08:11:30 PM


I'm still here, and I'm not leaving..........not ever.......this site it too much fun.........whatever configuration the boards take I'm not leaving..............ever................never................whatever

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


QuoteI don't know if all of the admin team is 100% in agreement with me
lmao somewhere on the ethernet is a very private admin thread that is almost identical to this one about 90% of the opinions expressed in this thread have been expressed in the ultravirtual admin thread that you guys aint privvy to. i love this place
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Saijinn Maas

Unless some information comes to light, this will be my last post regarding this... We have no doubt already spent more time on this than should have been necessary.

Quote from: 64gAs a side-benefit, I realized that having this General board would give a lot more exposure to backers than they're getting in the current Backing Track Jams board. But, frankly, I no longer give a toss about backers.

Just because you THINK it is a benefit, doesn't automatically make it so. But since you are not open to an actual discussion about it, I guess you would prefer we keep our opinions to ourselves.

Quote from: 64gEvery time we try to help them, they throw it back in our face and stomp their feet.
It is that so-called "help" that is in contention. I don't believe it will help at all. And given the fact that you have not bothered to at least dispute the opinions put forth regarding it, it appears that you know fully well that it is not meant to help.

Quote from: 64gAs I said, my own personal main objective here is to have a place that's just for DIY recordings. Most of the other stuff I've talked about is secondary and I'm more willing to make compromises.

So it IS just your own opinion. So your statement earlier making it appear like there are tons of members who share this view was what... and exaggeration? Now that I think of it, I don't recall anyone here saying they shared this view. Sure, Originals seems to be the prime focus, I'll give you that. Originally recorded Covers seems to have enough interest also. But I have yet to see ONE member say that they wished to have a board for music ONLY done by members. Quite a few people with concerns and questions.

Funny how you are fighting so hard to separate what you deem worthy, from the rest of the "peons", when you take little part in the community anyway. What do you care if people record using outside members? You have posted little more than 4 or 5 things since 2008, so you are clearly NOT interested in posting yourself. You rarely ever post feedback of any kind, to anybody's posts, so it is not like you are a driving force in that area either. So how is it that you have a vested interest in where anyone should post or especially WHO should be allowed to post where?

Quote from: T.C. ElliotI'm not sure calling someone's effort noodling or karaoke is helping matters, though.
THIS was my issue... THIS is why I have been keeping at this.

A couple of other posters made hints at this too, but it's been primarily 64g who has done everything he can to belittle anyone he sees as not falling in with HIS vision.

You know why this continues to bother me? We all know that 64g is a really smart guy. I am not being a smart ass when I say this. He is probably one of the smartest forum admins I have ever had to deal with...and I've belonged to many forums over the years. The things he has figured out how to do in order to have some cool features here is nothing short of amazing. And for this, we should all be thankful.

So... given this... I am to believe that he isn't completely aware of what he is saying and how others would feel about it? What reason do we have to think it was just the wrong choice of words, or that he doesn't mean it in the manner it is said? That would make total sense if he didn't keep saying it.

At this point, it matters little what the forum ends up being, since I apparently qualify for the members only board. But I have no respect for someone who continues to show complete disrespect to certain members of his own community because he does not see their efforts as being worthy of "his" forum. Furthermore, I am quite disappointed that many here refuse to see it.

My goal too was to do originals, and record everything myself for that matter. But I would never do so at the expense of others.

Guess I will end this here. I'll still be around listening to as much stuff as I can, but I doubt I'll be a big part of this community anymore. Good luck to everyone. Happy recording... oops... Songwriting! :)



Quote from: Bluesberry on June 18, 2011, 06:55:51 PMI'm still here, and I'm not leaving..........not ever.......this site it too much fun.........whatever configuration the boards take I'm not leaving..............ever................never................whatever

I don`t expect you to and nor will I!

QuoteGuess I will end this here. I'll still be around listening to as much stuff as I can, but I doubt I'll be a big part of this community anymore. Good luck to everyone.

Sai? You know that everyone wants you here and posting. We shouldn`t get to upset over this. Talking cyber can be frustrating and words can be taken the wrong way easily. Don`t get pissed off. This is why i hate the General discussion board cuz that`s where the fights start. This thread is to talk things out on the subject.
Boss BR-80


maybe its a good time for some more cowbell

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Quote from: Saijinn Maas on June 18, 2011, 10:13:33 AMUsing the same criteria that has been pushed back to me, if the distinct goal of "most" of the members here, was to produce music only with other members, the collab section would be the MOST active. Given that it is not, it is safe to assume that that is NOT the primary focus of "most of the members" here as we are being led to believe.
Hu? whats that you say?  Are you suggesting that original songs and cover songs performed by members in collaboration with other members is not a primary focus of this site?  And for evidence of this theory you point to the lack of activity in the collab section.  Are you being serious, I can't tell?  Look around at the Originals and Covers sections, look at how many songs posted there are collabs bewteen members here.  I am only guessing, but I will say there are a lot of songs posted on here are collaborations between members................a whole lot of songs................that looks like a site focus to me.  The collab thing happens organically, via PM's, E-mail, banter in thread posts.  It does not only happen in the confines of the collab thread.  This site is a hot-bed of member collaborations on original music and covers.  You seriously don't notice that?  What the heck do you think the focus of this site is?  You seem to be suggesting that there is a deep conspiracy going on, while the outward aims of the site are original music/covers and collaborations on original music/covers between members, but really, deep down there is the real focus of this site, a dark and sinister plot to overthrow all world governments and install a one world wide government........yeah, thats it, that is the real goal of this site....to usher in the New World Order........and the Admin team is secretly working for the shadow government to bring about this evil plot..............and we have been fooling ourselves all this time..............it is not really about making original music in collaboration with each other.............but world wide domination...........................it all sounds a little out there to me....................but at least we know the real purpose of this site.......................There's only one thing we can do to thwart the plot of these albino shape-shifting lizard BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  More cowbell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Boss BR-80


This is the evil Administration! This will be my last post on this matter. They are on to me!


Boss BR-80


hahahahaha, and watch out for the green one who hides out in your garbage can, nasty peice of work that one is

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Nobody likes a collab whore, little Oscar. Get back in the can!!

Long live collaborations, that's what this site is about!
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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