Minor board reorganization and Songcrafters' philosophy/direction.

Started by 64Guitars, June 15, 2011, 08:11:30 PM


Quote from: the lovely Geir on June 17, 2011, 01:50:45 AMA minor change I'd like to se tho is that the "Recent Posts" list on the front page would have 10 instead of 5 entries.

Your wish is my command Lovely.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


I like that Ferryman comment above.  If I could be bothered writing a long response to this thread, then it would be just like that one.  Except I do pretend to be a guitar player.  And I don't do the backer stuff.  I don't really know how to.  Not really interested.  I make my own backers on the MBR.


PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One


Quote from: 64Guitars on June 18, 2011, 08:36:06 AM
Quote from: the lovely Geir on June 17, 2011, 01:50:45 AMA minor change I'd like to se tho is that the "Recent Posts" list on the front page would have 10 instead of 5 entries.

Your wish is my command Lovely.

;D ;D ROFL !!!  ;D ;D

Much appreciated good Sir !!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


^great refinement..............now then 64G what about my hologram request...........any developments on that one yet?

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
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iPad GarageBand


I knew I should have kept my mouth shut until Nigel opened his.

As usual, I can say : "Ditto what Nigel said !!"
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........

Saijinn Maas

Thank you Harry for making the reasons for this much more clear. It makes it easier to understand where this is coming from unlike some answers which carry a tone of "don't question me".

And since it certainly is not clear to at least one person here, I wanna make clear why I am debating this. I could care less if admin decides they do not want to take the risk and they ban backers, of course that begs the question about covers too, as was mentioned previously.

My initial reaction was to the way posters who use backers were being viewed in comparison to those who do not. The whole "they're not real musicians anyway" type of attitude.

Second, I took exception to the comment made about how DIY boards were for people who understood the "spirit of songcrafters". Logic dictates that anyone who does NOT post in this board DOES NOT embody the "spirit of songcrafters". I thought that this was a pretentious and shitty thing to say.

For an admin to make comments to the effect that any one group here is above an other is appalling. And for that admin to suggest that they go someplace else was insulting.

Divide the board by genre, divide the board by ANYTHING that makes sense. But you cannot divide the board by "those who get it" and "those who do not".

I have not even taken part in anything using backers in a long while. And, as everyone here that knows me, knows that I do my own music, covers and originals. As things have been put, most of what I would do would certainly qualify for being allowed to be in the "members board". But I would not feel comfortable knowing that others were being thought of as being less than.

Nigel brings up a very good point.

I don't think anybody is saying that we should force anyone to comment on those types of post that do not interest them. And I am in no way saying that all musical genres deserve respect. But your fellow posters in this community deserve some respect. I personally cannot stand country music. But I have listened to more country music on this forum than ever before. I respect the members and their efforts. I respect their recording and mixing abilities. I respect their passion for what they love to do. And I will not stand by and listen to others continue to justify why they should be given priority over other posters. Be honest... it was never about not having enough time to see all the posts. It's about "It's not fair that my post is being knocked down the page by stuff I consider to be crap!"

[cue music = Suicidal Tendencies Institutionalized]

So... in the spirit of all the house parties where a bunch of kids who loved music would revel in it, in the name of all the local hardcore and punk bands I grew up with, and to all the implied rules that are being made, here and elsewhere, to make sure that only those "in the know" continue to get the most...


[/cue music]

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Flash Harry

I'm less concerned about the covers issue. It's clear that we are not aiming to make profit from the posting of covers here and they are the work of the individuals concerned. There is a issue about copyright and the use of others words and music, but it's not the same as lifting an MP3 from a backers or a samples website and playing it verbatim back out again. Fine for personal use, but not fine for re-publishing.

What ever happens, if we are asked to take a track down, we will have to do it. I would prefer to have the attackable surface of the site as small as possible. I don't want to have to close the site because we were careless.

Mind you, if Sony heard Geir's Beatles, I think they would whisk him into a studio and then tell us to take them down.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.

Saijinn Maas

Quote from: The Despicable Flash Harry on June 18, 2011, 09:19:52 AMI'm less concerned about the covers issue. It's clear that we are not aiming to make profit from the posting of covers here and they are the work of the individuals concerned. There is a issue about copyright and the use of others words and music, but it's not the same as lifting an MP3 from a backers or a samples website and playing it verbatim back out again. Fine for personal use, but not fine for re-publishing.

What ever happens, if we are asked to take a track down, we will have to do it. I would prefer to have the attackable surface of the site as small as possible. I don't want to have to close the site because we were careless.

Mind you, if Sony heard Geir's Beatles, I think they would whisk him into a studio and then tell us to take them down.

Unfortunately, even covers have been attacked on other sites. The only real way to guard against this, without any issue whatsoever, is to turn the forum into an Originals Only forum. Though this would certainly put a damper on the fests, it would make the most sense... no matter how much it would suck. But it is still better than telling others that what they do has less value than what others do.


I haven't had a chance the last few days to pipe in on this discussion, so now that I have some time, I would like to give my take.

The proposed changes the admin team have been discussing are not a social experiment, and are not intended to denigrate the contributions of any member of this site. There are no sinister or hidden motives at play.

They are an attempt to re-structure the Post Your Work forum to emphasize what we think the philosophy of our site is and should be (a supportive home for do-it-yourself home recordists who join Songcrafters and who also wish to collaborate with fellow Songcrafters), as well as provide a place for those who wish to post their additions to backers, create songs from loop or performance samples, or collab with non-members. By adding DIY to the categories to help differentiate among the daily song posts, they are also intended to make finding music that may interest our members an easier task.

I think the proposed changes to the organization of this one forum attempt to strike a respectful balance between what we see as Songcrafters main purpose as well as the desires of anybody who wants to post their music here, regardless of whether it is entirely hand-crafted or not. The proposed re-organization would better define what gets posted where, and where to find it. That's really all it is.

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Tony W

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